Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My husband the serious person. I at it or him do not leave from " hamok and posto...

19.07.2004, 23:55
Hello! My husband the serious person. I at it or him do not leave from " hamok and constantly I exhaust it or him in a tomb ". Last time I did or made in the morning for it or him a sandwich, in a butterdish there was butters or oils a gram 15. I have divided or undressed it or him into three layers and wished to smear already when he to me has told or said, that one layer superfluous. I have told or said, what is it last. He has simply blown up: I do or make everything that it or him to destroy and he any more does not see sense to live with me, as I also lgu (in what???) . We live together 21 j year. When I wished to leave before it or him not job, he began to threaten, that if I shall leave - he will kill itself(himself). Such razgovory-threats have become frequent for the last half a year. I so am tired from everything, that not that love, and simply respect I do not feel more. He of does not consider or count patients, and I at times think, that he with the rage cannot consult. With whom to be angry? Yes on all. All at it or him in fools go. The doctor, he clever if it or him to direct to the psychotherapist - he will pretend to be also learns or finds out nobody of anything. How to be? What is it such with it or him?

22.07.2004, 10:08
To the psychotherapist do not direct or refer, to it or him;them come behind the help. Probably, thus he manipulates you, meaningly or unconsciously, achieving your attention or something or something else. You can address for consultations to psihologu/to the psychotherapist to learn - to another to react to its or his behaviour and even it or him to learn to behave - to another. Or together with the husband to the family psychologist. As a variant it is possible to leave this person simply.

22.07.2004, 17:43
Thanks, Alexey. Its or his native, and my foster daughter too advises me to talk to the psychotherapist as sees, that I die away or go out on eyes. At me interest to people was gone, I would not like to be with someone in the company, I quickly get tired of conversations. And from the husband it would be desirable to hide sometimes and for a long time! To leave is, certainly, a variant. It is my second marriage. The first has terminated in 5 years. The reason - I could not give birth to the child. I and do not have children. After divorce I almost died, only after 3 h years have a little departed. Earlier I was afraid to remain one, now to me all the same.