Просмотр полной версии : Forgive or Excuse, there can be a long letter it will turn out. Kto-the string can help or assist me?...

The world
19.07.2004, 10:31
Forgive or Excuse, there can be a long letter it will turn out. Kto-the string can help or assist me? To me 24 years. Met the husband of 8 years. He did not like me, I am simple it or him arranged, probably, I was silly and thought, that for the sake of the love to it or him;them I can endow myself. .no to not change I to him could not (it would be desirable me caress, let even time or temporary, and to revenge for the put or rendered insults tried thus), and saw, how much or as far as he to me holoden-another's people tried to penetrate into my problems, even wanted long attitudes or relations, but I them ottalkivala-was HE! Fell in love few times with others madly, wished to tear with the husband (future then still), but pochemu-that was afraid to make it. As a result has told the truth, has asked me to help or assist. Has told or said, how est-that there were 5 men for these or it 8 years, 2 bolee-less constants. That let acts, as znaet-will leave me or we shall meet further. .on has chosen the second. Since then I to him did not change, and it would not be desirable after prezhitogo naparu stress (he when I to him have told everything, sobed. First time such saw). Thought, all will be OK. Ugu, a horse-radish. Thought, marries me. Promised. There was an opportunity. But he dragged out, while I again not became dumat-nafig to me such is necessary? At this time on the Internet has met the guy who for the first time has named me malyshkoj. At an occurring (has arrived or flied at self-summer for 1 day on me to look) looked adoring eyes. I too have fallen in love with it or him even at correspondence, but anything to change not smogla-he is more younger, lives very far. .v itoge-smart wedding with mine pridurkom on which I have insisted, we move in an apartment, and I expel it or him in a month. Through polgoda-divorce. All. I live one. Has hit in gulki, to drink became much, for new year has left to inetovskomu to the friend for 2 thousand in km. Thought, I like and it is liked. And everything, that perezhila-only a thorny path fortunately. That we with new friend shall be together. The former husband, by the way, till now in shoke-he from me did not expect such speed. Yes features with it or him. But here such has begun. .gore from freedom, is called.
In March I get acquainted with the local guy, after week acquaintance has overslept with it or him (ljubov-that washing has no opportunity to come chasto-4 all times for the expired year saw!), And poshlo-has gone. .sejchas he actually lives at me and all more and it is pleasant to me more. Has started to buy to me gifts, cleans or removes in an apartment, calls on job on 2 times per day, suffers or bears my cavils and foolish drunk tricks. I feel with it or him easy and confidently, in general, he arranges me on all 100. But there was one more person, which till now not in a course sobytij-my former friend. Calls to me, writes letters and speaks, that will die without me. I have promised him, that I shall move to it or him;them as soon as will whistle, and he has remained to pave the way for this purpose. .-he will not die, but now prevyolsja on correspondence, searches for new job (knows, that about money I can be capricious) and wishes to transport me to itself, in other city. Speaks, that will not refuse me for any gingerbreads. .s I am familiar to them 1, 5 years, with novym-4 months.
I do not know, how to me to be. It is better to choose reason? The first (from other city) - with prestigious v/about, widely-read, from good family, the sportsman and the programmer, we with it or him can talk on any subject (for me it important), adores me, but absolutely unexperienced on a life. Besides is more younger than me for 3 years. What now with mnoj-from former gangsters, the coeval, all in the scars, having the former wife and an adored daughter (goes every day to a daughter!! To her 4 years), in sex it is matchless, prikolist, kooroche, present or true the man. Besides very kind as it is paradoxical, and patient.. I do not know now who from them to me is more important and more necessary on a life. From behaviour both it is visible, that wish to remain with me (ha!! Still!! With a prosperity, an apartment, fairly clever, informidable and still and got used to the boorish attitude or relation muzhenka, why baldejushchaja from a simple kind view!!). But also it (to choose I and the third I can) not such a problem.
Ancestors strain me also girlfriends (and all world!!!!!) that it is time to me to give birth to the child. I want it or him. I well earn, ancestors not poor people. .vsyo it is more and I think more, that while I shall find the husband, to give birth most easier and easier. But choose the father I cannot. Whether asked both moih-they want, what I would give birth from them to the child? Both skazali-yes. Only one while does not have opportunity to me really to help or assist, therefore he asks to wait god-another (what wishes me to take away to itself), and the second simply will not pull the former wife with its or her alimony and old parents, moreover and me (it I ponimaju-I it or him zapilju am simple). When I speak them, what I can itself (whether I can? It seems, yes), both rest as rams and speak, what is it not - muzhski from their party or side will be.
PEOPLE!!! Perhaps, to me both of them to send??! Yes to search for the daddy?? Or to not give birth or not travail?? To wait?? Or to give birth from one of them? And from whom?
I feel defective any. I do not know, that to me nado-look or see from plz, tell or say the opinion!! It very much vazhno-I can do incorrigible nonsenses of % ((, you probably were convinced, that I it am able... Thanks.

20.07.2004, 11:45
The world, know, it seems to me yet there was that person whom you really like. If liked, would not think this or that, would know for certain. The only thing - do not do or make nonsenses. The child simply so or it is not known from whom - this or that - not a way out. Besides the father, family is necessary to the child. I know it precisely (too from bitter practice). Besides, how much or as far as I have understood, you are beautiful, clever, not poor and t. Item Respect with itself, do not exchange, do not give away... Also think of the soul, what you are prompted by her? Listen.

21.07.2004, 02:38
The world, do not live stereotypes. If 24 years it does not mean yet that it is necessary to be married and with the child. The child is a small alive little man, same, as well as we. It is impossible to want its or his that is not present depending on mood and opinion of the public. If you really wanted the child, you would be assured of it or this on 100 % and you are assured from whom wish it or him to give birth. At you still all life ahead. Can it is not necessary hurry up? To break a life to itself is, certainly, badly, but, as a rule, reperably, and here to break a life to the child, to leave it or him without love of the father, in incomplete family is - to mine more terribly. A choice for you. I wish you successes!

The world
21.07.2004, 18:51
Thanks, deochki, for answers. .da I, certainly, do not like anybody, yes probably and not poljublju-too often "fell in love", besides I differ the raised or increased criticality to family and I consider or count, that the love not so is important, only a head to think stirs or prevents. Certainly, I do not deny absolutely an opportunity to fall in love, but esli-was not present? Or I shall fall in love in 50. .a why then those who "has simply flown" give birth or travail to children - moreover and like are happy?? Really everyone rodivshij/conceived the child dreamed about itself, wished? My girl-friends have flown easier all on pjanke or is casual, now tychut to me my "callousness" - I am ostensibly worse, abortion on their place would make in 17 those years. And daddies do not differ special eagerness and love in education and care of the child. Therefore I and podumala-what difference, want I the child or not, there is a daddy or not. .rebyonka I shall grow fond, if rozhu-instincts. .da I and now it or him which have been not born, like. I think about itself. No, and vsyo-zhe-and if I anybody never poljublju-all life to be childless? And if the "liked" daddy will be the patient genetically and to the child a sore will pass? Why marriages or spoilage by calculation and with a reasonable choice of the partner are welcomed, and here at the approach to the theory of a birth of the child at a reasonable choice everyone concern with not clear me criticality? AAAA!!!! Yes that to me occurs or happens, itself I shall not understand.. % ((((

22.07.2004, 16:30
Whether know, the World to you still early to argue that you will remain without children. At you ahead of 10 years detorozhaemogo age. Imagine other situation. You give birth or travail to the child, and then meet the only thing. Certainly, who will grow fond of you, that will grow fond also of your child, and still. It would be desirable in fact the child from liked. If you not looking on what want the child from any the man, your business. The main thing then to not regret. Then it is better to give birth to it or him from the big love or passion though even short, then though will not regret.