Просмотр полной версии : No, well vse-taki what muzhiks hard. I in occasion of wedding. Now pozvon...

14.07.2004, 05:40
No, well vse-taki what muzhiks hard. I in occasion of wedding. The husband has now called and know that has asked, that I today have bought or purchased a smart bouquet for tomorrow's wedding, he not ochen-that understands colors or flowers. JA-that hoped, that he will buy or purchase it tomorrow when will go, and it is necessary to me to buy. He something having felt in my voice also has told or said, that we shall go to Sunday gde-nibud in the evening shall sit. I have refused, really he thinks, what to me on this wedding the main thing to eat and dance?!

15.07.2004, 08:04
Rudeness certainly. Refuse purchase.

15.07.2004, 10:29
CHto-I have not understood something. On whose wedding you go?

16.07.2004, 11:31
Elena, well be not upset, please, so iz-for this foolish weddings! And to the husband tell or say, that flowers itself bought - does not understand, and what now, really he does not understand, what this situation, but also as though specially requests such so is unpleasant to you????? I am indignant...

17.07.2004, 14:01
I have refused and even have asked, that he not today bought flowers, and tomorrow on road (in fact not since early morning to him to leave), and to him the florist will make a bouquet. And more I have solved, that tomorrow since morning smojus from doma-it will be unpleasant to see as he on this wedding is going to, and too it is necessary to the daughter uhodit-in institute (if on wedding would go or send she would shirk, and here oblom:-)))

18.07.2004, 00:49
- To mine at me iz-for this weddings the roof has gone, eyes vse-time for a wet place. It was necessary even to tell or say at job, that I have caught a cold also eyes slezjatsja. Mind or wit I understand, that this far not that situation iz-for which it is necessary so to experience. And in my life a lot of negative was, and here directly I restrain to not begin to sob. Precisely the roof has left.

19.07.2004, 04:35
At you girlfriends are, Lena? Spend days off with the girlfriend. And it is better poznakomtes with whom nibud from a forum and agree about an occurring, for example with Anna who experiences for you not less than you by the way!:))

19.07.2004, 20:21
Forgive or Excuse that vstrevaju-but to you unless not kazhetsja, whether that after wedding to-still will be.
And all the matter is that before wedding wishing to like you hide true haraktery-and after wedding all habits and defects vylazijut outside. Here no trouble it is just necessary to get used to each other and to respect. And in fact men they in fact not such absolutely romantic and emotional as women. Simply before wedding they ttak instinctively maskirujutsja to win the ladylove.

Anton - SS
20.07.2004, 05:06
Here it is a little not about that speech. prochtite a post Elena September, 10th 2003 11 : 08 : 49.

Anna - Elena and Anton
20.07.2004, 12:23
I really experience for Elena. Has simply tried on this situation on itself and has experienced all this insult. Anton of the rights, Elena. Spend with somebody days off, and suddenly it will turn out to spend them well? I live in situated near Moscow Zelenograde, at me the husband and 8 years or summer daughter.. If it is sad - write: osipova1975@yandex. ru

Anton - Elena and Anna
20.07.2004, 21:27
With whom nibud, certainly, only not with another the man. I suggest to finish on it or this therefore as I consider or count, that the further discussion will bring only superfluous experiences.

I am I
21.07.2004, 10:21
That's it in the company with OTHER men also it is necessary to spend cheerfully time that then nebylo it is excruciatingly sick for beztselno the lived years, Elena!:) And he there let under podpobedoponosnye views was or former "to have fun". Antosha, izveni, certainly, but such poor pettiness as you here only second time comes across! It or Her have humiliated there is no place further, have moved as a wall, have finished the person to tears, have spoiled some days of a life, and you " Rudeness certainly, Spend days off with the girlfriend, not your holiday ", etc. My God! Well the muzhik now also crushed! Easier yashmak soon to put on such Antons will force... .len! National mudrost-the Wife a wall never heard, aside not otodvinish (And Vach by the way have removed and very much even it is far) who carries on that and go (has once admitted or allowed, now they will know, that with you such numbers or rooms pass or take place and will continue to use you). Some husbands too to bring up it is necessary. Know what best way for the husband to remember birthday of the wife? Once it or him to forget! If it is not pleasant to you as with you words nedohodjat act also - explain business. Unique operating or working way, and that so all life and proplachite under Anton's sympathy.

Anton - I is I
22.07.2004, 11:05
:)) About a poor pettiness is fine!:) but a problem here here in what. Your statements is your opinion, let such, but the opinion, and it remains at you. In this case criterion of an estimation of correctness of statements is let even little bit subjective factor, namely: if my participation has helped or assisted the heroine - I mean is right. That's all. Yes, by the way, it not seems to you that long ponoshenie " in one gate ", already a pathology?