Просмотр полной версии : So there were circumstances, that we with the wife were not engaged in sex is more hollow...

11.07.2004, 18:38
So there were circumstances, that we with the wife were not engaged in sex more half a year - simply saw very seldom iz-for jobs. And here recently we discussed with her our future, I have suggested kuda-nibud to go, have a rest together, and was suddenly found out, that we cost or stand on a threshold of divorce as she has declared that has lost to me interest as to the sex partner, that it is unpleasant to her even to think of my touches to her. Up to this compelled or forced break all arranged it or her, how much or as far as I could judge on it or her povedniju before affinity. With a sufficient degree of confidence I can tell or say, that it or she does not have lover. Can bylo/there is an addicting - she few times made without me in polu-business, polu-entertaining trips. But much connects or binds us and besides sex. What to do or make? Or already nothing can be changed? For me it was as a thunder among a clear palate. Only like a life it began to be adjusted...

12.07.2004, 18:26
" With liked do not leave... "
At it or her for certain someone is, if certainly she not frigidna. So to look I recommend for a problem in this foreshortening.

13.07.2004, 12:01
Only the cretin can declare the woman: with full confidence... .chto you also try to show this application or statement,)))))))))

14.07.2004, 18:49
Interestingly, and what it is possible to tell or say about a level of a cretinism of the person which cannot distinguish a phrase " with a sufficient degree of confidence " from a phrase " with full confidence "?

The reader
16.07.2004, 01:30
The good fellow, Skywalker! oshn completely sootvetstvunt your description and on its or his retorts can not pay attention safely.

17.07.2004, 15:25
The reader, your mother, though also the child, but not pi... Di, sriwlkmen, give admit or allow, that before you a cretin, obesnite in the accessible form a degree of this sufficiency: there is enough on so much to shut eyes to its or her sex life where you, forgive or excuse, by cash department? Or it is enough on so much to be self-assured and its or her constancy to you. In the first case (by the way as well as in the second) you just also express this "degree" kritinizma, sufficient on such application or statement

17.07.2004, 19:48
Believe, dear Skywalker, that women cannot aspire to loneliness. They it or him botsja, and only any force majeure can force to remain them without mzhchiny series. Seldom, very seldom, women throw men, leaving in anywhere. Therefore with the same notorious sufficient degree of confidence I can tell or say, that she has gone through, or experiences till now feelings to other person. If it or she had only short-term communication or connection to return it or her not slozhno-a veil quickly spadet from eyes. Longer attitudes or relations will demand from you much greater endurance or quotation, love and patience. I speak you it as the woman who has gone through similar, already 7 years in marriage or spoilage (fur-trees it is interesting, esteem hardly below dialogue on a subject of change). Enable her to think. But do not close for her a door if she is still necessary to you.

18.07.2004, 21:55
Always spoke, that women - the Woman. So ka the woman prochustvuet nobody can tell or say, except for it or her. Study, sriwalkmen while to you give an opportunity to do or make it free of charge, and is more correct for the another's bill, on another's mistakes or errors, critinos normales

The reader
19.07.2004, 02:37
Yes, oshn still and not to that will learn! Itself will not wait, as though somewhat quicker from family on * dki to leave, and all there experience of the krititsyzma all to teach!

19.07.2004, 08:47
Here for what I like youth that is always ready in fight, only, the girl, at you will not suffice Testosteron-Depotum, therefore we shall close a subject, I izvenilsja at the psychologist, at that in vseuslyshane, I do not fight with children, I distribute them clips. We shall remain neutral to each other if we cannot be friends is better.

The reader
20.07.2004, 13:33
Poor children oshn! I Can present myself their status!

21.07.2004, 10:53
One for the husband, obolduj 12 class finishes another, like both with brains, not vyshib

Blek Mary
21.07.2004, 22:43
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There there is also a situation for you - that the wife wished. Well, and in general any prisuha for seduction of the maiden or in this sort will fit with something. The main thing to read reguljatno, on sunrise (or if it is specified differently then when it is specified).