Просмотр полной версии : At me a problem with parents. To me already almost 19, it would be desirable to walk, but my father...

13.07.2004, 01:43
At me a problem with parents. To me already almost 19, it would be desirable to walk, but my father considers or counts what at night to walk dangerously, and is silly. As he said, that it is possible to do or make all at night, it is possible to make and in the afternoon. And it is necessary to sleep at night, and even for health it will be bad, so as to me to be? As to me it or him to overpersuade.?

14.07.2004, 02:24
In general that, the daddy of the rights. But sometimes it is possible, if you not absolutely are going to to pass to a night way of life. Talk to the daddy that will call, acquaint parents with the friends, it or him will be quieter, if will know, that at you the good company. And it is natural, your adventures should not be reflected in study.

17.07.2004, 12:09
It is necessary to be more indulgent to delicacies of parents. Establish or install "curfew", 21.00 for example. Suffer for the sake of their calmness, not so the victim is great.

21.07.2004, 12:08
You that are going to every day to go to clubs and discos? At me at the daughter 18 and I fine understand your daddy. We, parents very much for you worry. We with a daughter have established or installed "curfew" - 23 00, at this time she should be at home. And more, if to her prispichilo in a night club or on a disco, good, but vo-the first at us with her dogovor-not at night then to come home, and in the morning. And more these or thus night guljanija happen not more often than several yearly. And, the main thing, at it or her the mobile phone should be always included or always switched on. Can on similar conditions and the daddy will release or let off you.

21.07.2004, 16:48
Misha, I understand - at night so is class to take a walk gde-nibud in park - silently, warmly and if at it or this still or even cheerfully to stir or chatter with friends - eeehhh...:)
Advice or Councils on pereubezhdeniju I shall not give - parents will be always right, always the rights there will be you - and, simultaneously:)))
To parents it is elementary terrible for us (too much bad on darkness happens), but to understand, how much or as far as it or him it is terrible and that any comprehension will not get rid of this sensation is possible only on own example.
Parents with the brother in due time have taught a good lesson us (it has turned out casually, but has impressed och. Strongly) - they have gone or send on a visit to friends, promised to return, say, in 23.00. In 23.00 have called, that already send or have left... And instead of an hour 3 hours (well, zaboltalis, have passed or have taken place a part of road on foot, then have still chatted - well, you know how it happens) went home... And mobile then was not and warn us they could not... It is really terrible - not the nobility, as where with relatives to you people... Even if it is adult people...
And still we had a dog - and it was possible to go with her to walk in the evening and if some dog lovers were going to - that was possible and late nearby to the house to walk:)