Просмотр полной версии : It would be desirable to write the book of the truth about a life for children. Because I very much regret...

13.07.2004, 15:26
It would be desirable to write the book of the truth about a life for children. Because I very much regret for all read through in school and after it or her to fiction. The literature and melodramas spoil people, mould from children as from plasticine of dreamers and romantikov, set us since the childhood as kulichiki in formochki in ready cliches and cliches which then as formulas sit in a head, will paralyse or paralyze arms or hand and legs or foots and do not allow to make a step, and force to live under the invented pavors and reference points. I dream of destruction. Because the person is not created for happiness. It or he is waited with one traps and dirty tricks, deceits and self-deceptions. And the person is worn as behind a phantom behind realization of a cliche which he has heard in the childhood and continues to hear all life. Most poshloe-it all will be good . What exactly is good, when and what means well? Well, that is safely and happily does not happen almost. Why it is necessary so to speak each other? Really these unfortunate people in the underground, at which salary 3000 thousand Roubles and terrible clothes, at them in one day all becomes safe and is arranged? Really here these patients, unfortunate children who do not have money for treatment, at them will be very well? It is not necessary to speak not destiny because it does not help or assist the person. He wants what wants. I do not wish to be in pavor, that for each idea I shall be punished. I wish to pin up or drive in myself as thick a pig. Really I here that as a moth to fly on light and trembling of the heart which then vanishes. I remain in darkness. Who has thought up these brutal tortures of occurrings and partings, you to it or him;them, and he to another, then she from it or him, he to her. And semja-it is illusion. I do not aspire, I do not want anything. I wish to thaw as a fog as a snow as a bird to fly up to a palate, to rustle with silvery wings. Release or let off me. Take away me. I and to hear the nobility do not want or wish more these slogans. Be strong. Suffer or bear. It is necessary to pass or take place, vystojat. I not in build. It is my soul, I its or her burden. If to me have rented it or her, I in the right to refuse. I wish to give back. This experiment not for me. Who asked me when has put off on the ground??? On you, bring up the spirit, then we shall select. I do not want. Why it is possible to leave work, get divorced from husband, leave for other country. But it is impossible to leave a life? Why me have defined or determined here the shivering vile creature? I write, but to me so it is terrible, that I the ungrateful or thankless creature and the God will punish me . I the shivering creature. Me so have brought up.

The anonym
16.07.2004, 01:11
Angel, well do not cry... You are simple very juvenile, and the juvenile person - always protests, both despairs, and wants sbezhat-uletet-pokonchit-so-vsem-etim-razom. Dare to live and you will not notice, how cheerful, creative force will arise and rastsvetet in you.

Explorer Angel
18.07.2004, 05:27
Everyone who was born, have CHANCE, chance of much in this life. And as you will concern to these chances, by a life, to victories and lesions, and you will be such zhizn-). About patients... You were not asked by a question WHY one people survive after what that of very serious traumas, katastrov, and not only survive, and LIVE, come back in sports, (and if do not come back come to sports after what that of tests)? About tetenek at the underground with ZP 3000.. And you ask them, whether they are happy? Who will respond as you, what for to live, continuous troubles, misfortunes to eat there is nothing, to wear there is nothing, but is assured, najdutsja and such which are happy, happy on the present, are happy the pleasures, happy that children are healthy, parents are alive, the liked cactus on the chilled window sill has blossomed... .vo much, all in this life depends on us and from our perception of this life. Recollect a fairy tale (too it seems school, or still sadovskaja the literature) about two frogs! And on the school program to sin silly, all of us it is readable the same books, and vyrostaem different... Perception? By the way my daughter studies in Russian literary liceum and that she reads, me nravitsja-)

19.07.2004, 19:31
Angelusha, you suffer our general or common illness or disease - the serious form of egoism. The Lord has given you invaluable treasure - immortal soul to feel, like, be pleased to simple gifts or for nothing of a life, to help or assist unfortunate, ponemnozhku, moderately ours silenok to improve this world. And you with pleasure are betraid to despair, despise the normal people living on 3000 rbl. the woman Most dear by me works in a temple for 12 16 hours per day, brings up the another's child. She conducts accounts department and the financial politics of the big temple, but at it or her from poverty in the house were got or started vshi. Everything, that she has allowed me to make for it or her, to present her a new mattress and the worn boots. Thus she is very good herself and very happy person. Look or see at this world with love. Let you are not confused with a smell of poverty and serious work. Try to grow fond of people, and at the same time.

20.07.2004, 11:04
Sooner or later everyone who reflects, thinks of it or this is what for all this, to change nothing, senseless existence, is desires, and on them there are the interdictions, pressing society of the general or common rules, and loneliness in the decision of own problems, cynical writers, politicians or politics, judges and teachers, etc. That is why do not like me of a reasoning on love - nobody gives the answer, and can and it is not necessary to search. We are born and we die one, instead of with what not in pairs or steams. We want, that was how it is necessary to us, and we do not wish to do or make as it or him;them it is necessary, we want, that us have understood, thus we do not wish to understand others, we wish to be liked, and not in a status even sincere heat to warm even the children and in this wheel all we turn, turn, we judge, are angry, are jealous, envy and we regret ourselves. One elderly and wise woman on my exclamation: " What muck around! " To me has responded: " I Envy a youth, here when you will grow fond of this muck - can consider or count, that became adult "