Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I sometimes speak in a dream. Happens, that is very loud. With what it is m...

12.07.2004, 17:46
Hello. I sometimes speak in a dream. Happens, that is very loud. With what it can be connected? Whether To be treated it? What is it in general? And to to me to address?

Tolokonin A.O.
16.07.2004, 07:06
Dear Valentine!
It can be connected with two reasons: with organic changes a goal. A brain and with psihotravmoj. To exclude the first consultation and inspection at the neurologist is necessary. That the second, address to the psychotherapist.

19.07.2004, 04:14
In the childhood I had the same, but thus I happened went, or slept with the open eyes, and once even a mirror in a dream have broken (in a dream I in football played). Then it was weakened or easied also I could talk or answer simply in a dream any questions. And now I was exhausted in general with a sleeplessness I or nearly so do not sleep or I sleep very sensitively. Any psihotravm while I went in a dream nebylo, and here after p-traumas I have ceased to be so active in a dream. The dear doctor! I for example would prefer to talk in a dream if only to sleep as earlier