Просмотр полной версии : The dear Doctor! About one month back at the sister (24 years) was strong pristu...

The anonym
17.07.2004, 21:34
The dear Doctor! About one month back the sister (24 years) had a strong paroxysmal pain on the right in a back, irradirovavshaja in a breast. The pain was the deaf person where that inside and she could not name precise localization. An attack hurt has caused or called in it or her a strong fright. The neuropathologist after survey has told or said, that there was an inflammation of a nervous root, has registered any ointment then the pain has abated and has departed. But whether from for pavor, that something not by way of with a breast, the fright has not passed or has not taken place, there was what that obsession, she all time felt a breast. After heart attacks have begun, the strong tachycardia, a dyspnea, pavor to choke. Some times caused fast. Now the tachycardia rather uleglas, but it or her strongly disturbs feeling of compression in the field of a stomach as though it is strongly strapped by a belt, very much prevents to breathe. The stomach quickly perepolnjaetsa after even insignificant quantity or amount of peep, respiration is at a loss. It is very much accented on the respiration and on a spastic stricture in the field of a stomach or belly. Now it is its or her basic complaint, does not allow her to live normally. Has lost appetite, has grown thin, the spastic stricture in a stomach or belly to her stirs or prevents all time, even when she is rather quiet. Following inspections are spent: an electrocardiogram, an echo of heart - all in norm or rate. Consultation of the endocrinologist and the gastroenterologist - have excluded a pathology in this area. There was an erosion 12 perst. Intestines 2 3 years ago, but she has treated it or her, the doctor has told or said, that erosion for a long time was closed. The general or common analysis of a blood - norm or rate. Sonografija organs of an abdominal cavity and a small basin too has not revealed pathologies. Doctors speak, that a spastic stricture because of a neurosis, but the appointed or nominated medicines (novopassit, levotominal) have a little improved the general or common status, but have not removed or have not taken off a spastic stricture, compression in a stomach or belly persistently does not pass or take place. The pavor and obsessions too pursue. Very much I ask, advise that nibud, what it is possible to survey? As it is possible to help or assist the sister, particularly to facilitate a spastic stricture in a stomach, she has absolutely got exhausted. Very much I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply.

18.07.2004, 12:22
The answer to the report 13 August.
Your sister really has psychological problems. To me it seems to her more serious and qualified treatment from the psychiatrist is necessary. Doctor Bobrov will be in a site on August, 21st. Be written off or copied with it or him.