Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I have lived long enough time in Finland, there at me nach...

15.07.2004, 20:06
Hello. I have lived long enough time in Finland, there at me the disturbing or alarming phenomena, agarofobija have begun. I descended or went to Finnish vrachu-to the psychiatrist, he to me has appointed or nominated Trittico (Trazodonum). So it has turned out that in a week to me was necessary to leave from Finland. And on arrival in Sankt-Petersburg I have gone to known enough medical center, besides to the psychiatrist (I have counted that without the control of the doctor I do not need to accept an antidepressant). He slyhom did not hear such antidepressant (Trittico) and has appointed or nominated to me Zoloft. But after comparison anotatsy to these two antidepressants I have understood that at Trittico of much less by-effects rather than than at Zolofta.
Could not help or assist me advice or council. Whether there was at you an experience of application Trittico and how he to be transferred or carried?
Whether he is worse Zolofta?

Bobrov A.E.
17.07.2004, 00:59
Personally I did not apply Trittico. He in general is applied in our country rather seldom. My familiar doctors used this preparation with success for treatment of depressions. Probably, that he is effective and at an agoraphobia (t. To. Also as well as zoloft is serotoninergicheskim an antidepressant). Nevertheless the international standard of treatment in this case nevertheless are preparations of type zolofta. By estimations of experts Trittico causes not less by-effects, than zoloft. However, they a little bit others. I think, that you have collided or faced that summaries in both cases are made - to a miscellaneous that depends not on chemical properties of a preparation, and from skill of firms to make and approve or confirm the summary. In general, by-effects at both preparations are rather rare. But the main thing not in it or this. And in that the agent helped or assisted and it was accessible.