Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! Recently passed or took place psychological trainings...

13.07.2004, 00:56
Hello, the dear doctor! Recently passed or took place psychological trainings by my future trade (I study as the manager on advertising) and I with horror have opened, that I cannot penetrate and think at once the most simple tasks. These tasks to us were given by the psychologist, we with each other carried out them (us there was in group 5 person). I the person phlegmatic and I slowly think..., but I did not think, that up to such degree! The psychologist gave the task quickly and all quickly them "seized", and I felt a full silly woman and awful awkwardness. The doctor, help or assist how to cease to complex in occasion of the slow thinking? How to cease to think: " likely they think, that I a silly woman! " Or: " my God, what they about me have thought? " On these trainings I felt myself the little girl, any defenceless... And it in my 30 years! This opposite sensation because is usual I so itself I do not feel. All becomes complicated that I beautiful, therefore, vrode-, and am a shame to be not at height..., as to me in the childhood spoke: " Such beautiful girl, and so it is bad (something there) has made! ", etc.
The doctor, my slow thinking probably by nature, but chto-to me to do or make, chto-to not doubt of the intelligence? What to me to do or make, chto-to not make upon people impression of a silly woman, "brake", etc.? Thanks.

13.07.2004, 23:04
" Such beautiful girl and so it is bad " has made! " Ilona, here in it or this that your problem. With it or this it is necessary to work. Parent derektivy very much often spoil to us an adult life.
As to your job on your type of temperament and thinking she does not approach or suit you. You have chosen this trade? Not muchte itself. Very much often people to themselves put high rods, there where cannot reach or achieve results and as consequence or investigation is felt with faults, powerlessness from the nekchemnosti and the most important all time compare itself to more successful in this field. Once again I shall repeat what to work it is necessary with the parent equipments or installations and then all will be adjusted at you.

14.07.2004, 13:09
Who has told or said, what at you "slow" thinking? It simply more weighed. Similar, as to the future manager on advertising, you it is necessary to pass or take place any training on skill of the communications be capable to compensate inflexibility of that psychologist in submission of a material. And more well to find ability to estimate or appreciate the behaviour not only from others, and as though in general from, impartially.

15.07.2004, 11:01
Alexey, well I do not know...:) both slow and weighed... It is possible and and edak to tell or say:) And for advice or councils of thanks.

15.07.2004, 23:08
Alain. Job does not approach or suit... It looking where I shall work:)

The doctor
16.07.2004, 19:39
Whether Vrjad-at you the "slowed down" thinking. Skroee, you think of how you are estimated or appreciated with associates too much and consequently quail. This problem very frequent, and usual references are reduced overcoming in themselves the equipment or installation on, to like. In your concrete case I would advise to see for the beginning to the appearance, namely - to cease to be "beautiful" (in fact in beauty of 80 % is a care of self and taste). If can (even for a while) to refuse this or thus habitual for you "facade" then can give more attention to an essence of a case in point, instead of to you make what effect. In a common cause in a self-rating, instead of in rate of associations.