Просмотр полной версии : I do not know what to do or make. I do not have such morbid jealousy of the husband, though...

16.07.2004, 00:05
I do not know what to do or make. I do not have such morbid jealousy of the husband though I do not believe him.... He me zakolebal any suspicions. Eternally asks where has gone, whence has called, why was late..... At me job such, that I during job am very difficult to find me in office (on calls), and at clients estesstvenno am phone, but I oto all shall not keep ringing home! Already all this enrages Me, but I like it or him......

sergej and 12912
16.07.2004, 04:22
Check of communication or connection

Sergey and 12912
16.07.2004, 11:16
Dear Maggi, most likely your husband not absolutely understands specificity of your job - and the excessive jealousy can be consequence or investigation not only it or this is and much more complex or difficult and complex reasons caused by for example raised or increased suspiciousness and distrustfulness to people is should bring to him the certain dyscomfort both inside of itself and in your attitudes or relations, he to concern so to all or only to you? It will help or assist with the further treating your problem in the necessary key. Thanks.