Просмотр полной версии : Dear doktormoj the friend yesterday chuit has not jumped out of a window iz-that I...

11.07.2004, 05:51
Dear doktormoj the friend yesterday chuit has not jumped out of a window iz-that I to him have told or said that we shall leave. He often pomnogu drinks, and it at all does not arrange me, but now to throw it or him strashno-suddenly still something "will throw out", and to live with it or him heavy. Prompt an output or exit, please.

Lima Vajkule
12.07.2004, 20:55
And in what a problem? Let jumps...

The doctor
13.07.2004, 17:10
You try to influence blackmail. It obchnaja "game" for topers or the people inclined to an alcoholism. And to blackmail to give in it is impossible: for kogotkom all birdy will stick. Usually in such cases I advise people openly to tell to the partner that you think of its or his behaviour, having emphasized, that the blackmailer not dostoin respect. But you for any time can remain with it or him " with pity " or from "sympathy", but not from pavor. Quite often open conversation on this subject ohlazhadet unreasonable heads also allows to put all points above "I".

14.07.2004, 04:28
I in institute have killed a heap of young time on such, all could not dare to untie zadolbavshie me completely the attitude or relation with such here mad from the love, ready on suicide and a copy drinking from a hopelessness. It was hardly rescueed or saved, advice or council one - is more than resoluteness, especially if precisely know, that want. It is necessary to think of itself more, and about everyones pridurkah - it is less.

15.07.2004, 08:21
My was or former "tovarisch" all it tried to be hung up. When I have ceased to react to its or his hysterics, to be hung up to him was ceased to want. We vse-taki have left. He is alive. It is rather healthy. Also drinks - former.
Your friend manipulates you. He has understood, that to you " to throw it or him terribly ", and uses it or this to the full extent. Leave it or him, it is its or his life, and let he acts how considers it necessary. Do not dare to blame itself and to ruin the life.