Просмотр полной версии : Me have raped. Advice or council and the help of adult people is very necessary to me. It proiz...

10.07.2004, 03:31
Me have raped. Advice or council and the help of adult people is very necessary to me. It has occured or happened about three years ago when to me was 17. It was made by the adult muzhik, the best friend and the partner of my parents. I am silent about it or this and I speak nobody. I already wrote about it or this and to me have allowed advice or council to try to talk to mum about it or this, only to speak not about myself, and about the girlfriend, say, t. e. To describe to her a similar situation with the another's person. I have made it. That I have heard that from it or her have simply beaten out me from forces. Mum has told or said that already force nobody, if will not wink eye sights or eyes anybody on you will not rush. I have described to her a situation of the girlfriend, and it or her actually have raped the neighbour, too the adult uncle, only at that reputation of a dog and everyone know this or thus. And at my goat reputation of the sacred person, the decent or considerable family man. And mum has told or said to me that the neighbour could not oversleep by force with my girlfriend, t. To. That was obviously agree sex, differently he simply would be afraid that's all. She means has let to him know that wants. So leaves? If I shall tell to parents about the situation mum the same will tell or say to me?? The pier can you has provoked? In fact they trust this friend, they believe him and appreciate as the person, and he actually is ready to get without soap everybody. He mine zadnitsu to lick is ready, t. To. They help or assist him, have helped or assisted to get a job, the son in University have arranged. He already spoke me that I should be silent, t. To. Will be worse only to me. Parents to me will not believe, and with it or him respect also he will be ready to swear on an icon that there was at us nothing and that he a finger did not touch or tamper with me. So to me to do or make? Unless they can not believe such here to the remarkable person? And I live one idea on revenge to him. I make any plans at night as an occurring of the future husband and he will revenge him for me, will break to him a muzzle and all other. If parents will not help or assist me also me will not understand I shall go on extreme measures, I do not know that I shall make. I very much wish to revenge for myself. He cannot so to walk about and enjoy here a life, being dared or laughing over me. He has told or said that has made it with me because I have liked him and was such very young pretty virgin and as to him was already under forty that virgins in a life to him would not get and consequently he has wanted me. Goods I would not give him also he have decided to try or taste force, and according to it there was not a violence. Actually all women of it or this awfully want, simply do not speak openly and consequently are fractured. Here its or his words. Certainly he many times apologized and begged me to not do or make anything, but now I am ready on all. Only I do not know from what to begin. At me a problem with health, I have earned a ulcer because of nerves and constantly depressions excruciate me, insomnia. How to me to be? Here I have talked to mum have learned or have found out its or her approximate reaction, now I know that from it or her to wait. So to me to do or make? I wish to talk to the psychologist on this subject, she can that will prompt, can at first to me it is necessary to share to her and then let she will talk to my parents, she it can will present them kak-that more delicately, will inform up to them it is in cleverer way. How you think? Or can it is necessary to act or arrive differently?

The woman
10.07.2004, 09:47
Yes, without psihologa-the professional here to not manage any more. If there is such opportunity - do not lose time! All was too tightened or delayed...

11.07.2004, 00:01
Tais, has passed or has taken place three years!
Certainly, all situation that fact, that this burdens the swine the friend to your family.
It is necessary to do or make one, that ideas on it or this would stop. Not stratsja to revenge, and to live further, to grow fond of the worthy person, and love to it or him;them to dull this pain and the insult. It does not guarantee, that you will forget this case, but will live to you easier.
And more one important thing. To the future liked never tell about this case! The Probability of that he will revenge for you is low, and here hatred or disgust for you at it or him can wake up.
I 2 years live after the same event and all less often it or this I recollect, only became more cautious.
Simply live further, communicate more with friends!

12.07.2004, 15:58
Tais, I very well understand you! With monj such history has occured or happened more 5 years ago and till now I cannot reconcile and calm down. If there is an opportunity of consultation of the good psychologist, necessarily to her use. Such spiritual wounds have no limitation period. To share neither with parents nor with liked cheloveko at all I do not advise. By the experience I know, that native people start to regret, from what only becomes more serious (and that if will understand) and with vremnem to keep away. When I have tried to share with liked he simply gradually have disappeared from my life without any explanations. Certainly it is necessary to think of it or this less. But also unpunishedly to leave this reptile it is undesirable. Try to destroy a myth about its or his ideal essence. For example, anonimki to the wife, p a photomontage of the pornographic maintenance or contents. Only it is necessary to make all so that he at all has not suspected you. And basically, to devote all life of revenge too has not put.

13.07.2004, 00:08
By the way, very much rekomnnduju to look or see film "Executioner" with Irina Metlitskoj.

14.07.2004, 01:31
And how a photomontage to make? Who will borrow or occupy in it or this? Unless in a professional photographic studio it will do or make?

14.07.2004, 09:19
He that izvil also has taken you bezsoznatelnom a status! To one muzhik if you do not want, it is possible and to not give!!! Forces should be! Not 5 years tea were.................