Просмотр полной версии : To me of 28 years. zamuzhet two children. Constant feeling of alarm, often I recollect...

12.07.2004, 01:23
To me of 28 years. zamuzhet two children. Constant feeling of alarm, often I recollect the last insults and about myself anew I swear. People I hate and I am afraid. At the same time I feel very much nazashcheshchennoj. It is not very a pity children that at them mum such bad and can protect them. All prinimiju is very close to heart and I can not quickly get rid of experiences. Sometimes it seems that the best way to relieve children for horrors of this life. It together with them to jump with bolkona, but of mors the same I am afraid. All constantly I forget, with children that tender that I shout as a silly woman. Myself I hate, I do not understand for what I am am liked by my husband. It seems that at it or him kogdanibud eyes will open and he will see with itself(himself) series a toad. To me it is very serious, I feel that itself I do not consult, but psychologists and psychotherapists are very dear or expensive and it is one more reason that I the person of the second grade, we are not rich. And are poor. I in constant stress, sleep very badly at night, there are no forces constantly all in the afternoon do or make through force. From that that has written to understand that with me very difficultly. But nevertheless I hope for kind advice or council.

12.07.2004, 22:47
I had precisely same phase lag and the small income. We with the child have remained one. In one day it wanted to me to shoot down all and I have understood, that it is necessary to something to do or make. Has followed the help to the psychotherapist. It has as a result appeared, that it is more favourable to be spent today but then it will pay back storitsej. First go to the therapist regional. He free treatment if is not present can will advise, there are phones dovarija, can pomoch there, give the address of the doctor or the organization where to you will help or assist. I have gone to the paid psychotherapist for 3! A session my brains have risen on a place, now I do not fly almost though, basically, problems on a life have remained the same, I simply solve them. Successes. And necessarily address for the help. The life so is perfect and to waste time on stresses it is simply a pity. At all of you it to turn out.

The anonym
13.07.2004, 15:16
Well know Christina.. Your brains can and have risen for 3 sessions, and I here the second month work with the psychotherapist.. Improvements also have just now begun... And that is very rare.. I am simply sunken in depression and apathy.. Whether at me all is deeper whether you are a person more superficial and not so accept all close to soul and heart..

13.07.2004, 17:58
Thanks Christina for a kind word. Happy New Year!