Просмотр полной версии : I yesterday wrote in 16 : 33 : 40 about Olju which demands from my girlfriend to give...

The anonym
28.06.2004, 19:48
I yesterday wrote in 16 : 33 : 40 about Olju which demands from my girlfriend to give the husband. Today at night the door of Lena had ignition, a door metal, but plastic burned. She was afraid to leave, but neighbours have extinguished or have put out. Has called to this Ole, she roars and is going to to be poisoned or persecuted. All because I there have not gone yesterday as you advised. It is necessary kak-to correct that this situation. A trouble in fact will terminate.

28.06.2004, 23:24
It is not necessary to blame itself in happened. If wish to support or maintain podrugu-support or maintain, but to interfere with these disassemblies it is not necessary. At this Oli with a head not that's all right. Also to you that kind, will get. Can, it will be better to girlfriend to be at you before arrival of the husband? Suddenly this " walking vendetta " will get a hydrochloric acid.

The anonym
29.06.2004, 10:19
Yes she unfortunate, this Olja. She kind, and here, it is visible, any kink. She kak-that silly tries to struggle for the imaginary happiness. I to her have now called, roars and asks to start up to her Leninogo the husband. She thinks, that he houses and hold it or him locked up.

The anonym
02.07.2004, 13:45
Yes, you have got probably between two fires

04.07.2004, 03:46
Necessarily call in any service of trust or the emergency psychological help - to consult. It just them stezja-presuicidal statuses, shocks and stresses after tragedies and so on.
On krajnjak, call in militia. The situation can leave from under the control.

05.07.2004, 00:55
Actually it is an awful situation. At my sister the husband the teacher in a technical college and to my sister has come it or him diplomnitsa. And at the sister two children and our mum lives with her. In general, this maiden cried, sobed on eyes of all family. The sister in what was mum has run out on ulitsu-has caused or called me on mobile - on all center searched sestru-have found crying on quay. The maiden up to the extremity or end does not lag behind till now though the husband of the sister has translated or transferred it or her to other teacher in general, such people neuravnovesheny and to treat they is necessary. In militia we, by the way, addressed. But structure of a crime net-she at all does not threaten, and here in your case not deliberating address in militia. At us have suffered both my sister and its or her children and my mum since then has lost rest and it lasts already half a year. The maiden that calms down or is abirritated, again. It is awful, do not regret this Olju, most likely the psychiatric help is necessary to her.

06.07.2004, 20:05
You hardly will help or assist, if only chut-hardly to calm the girlfriend. The husband should call, let comes and resolves a situation with the women.

The anonym
09.07.2004, 13:07
Both women are in a status afekta-madnesses and insanity, but it
And afekt the nature, revenging for the eternal disassemblies with men. One sets fire to a door and demands the husband, the second was going to to be poisoned or persecuted: ((And whether there is that a man that two women went mad?

Failure or Accident
11.07.2004, 19:29
Any the best the man is not necessary also a little finger of the greediest woman!

13.07.2004, 06:28
Well about any psychological services I to you shall tell or say here that - anybody there anybody upomogat is not going to, anybody there does not take a tube and does not answer questions. I checked it. Keep before arrival of the husband, all srastetsja, and is not present, in militia, can it or her in hospital will put. Success.