Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 19, and I still the virgin. Iz-for it or this at me has developed...

02.07.2004, 00:14
Hello! To me 19, and I still the virgin. Iz-for it or this at me the inferiority complex, a pier I not such as all (and all my girlfriends already for a long time "live") has developed. The Young man at me is not present. Prompt as to get rid of this complex and when it is already necessary to begin a sexual life? Also I know, that many guys refuse to deal with virgins. What to do or make and how itself messages? Girlfriends dokanyvajut when it was at me for the first time, and I do not know what to respond, speak the truth kak-that it is a shame

02.07.2004, 10:03
Christina, lovely what love - only love here complexes - should be. Then it will be pleasant to you to recollect IT or THIS. Believe first time it and there is first time - all rest will be worse or better but you for ever remember this first time. And the man which will be with you. Therefore do not hurry... Wait for love - it of that costs or stands! And respond girl-friends - I wait for prince is sounds it is proud, believe))))

04.07.2004, 01:05
Poor Christina as you it is a pity to me. I have lost virginity in 23 years for the same reason, as you - thought, that all me obsmejut, have chosen the first got applicant and have deprived with yourself virginity! And behaved as as if I for a long time any more devstvenna - well you understand, when you see any erotic films, it is possible to learn. Here and has acted or arrived, strange, but no pain existed, yes the blood almost was not, at least he has not noticed. But it so was pleasant to him! But I now had a guy whom I very much like, understand, he from a category decent or considerable, intellectuals. With me at it or him still sex was not. He is assured or confident, that I the virgin and what is it will occur or happen after wedding. You understand, in what blunt situation I have got? Certainly, I shall explain all to him. And if he likes me, he will understand. Simply think strong that can happen. And it is far not kazhdyts the guy so thinks as you has written. And what are afraid of virgins, it simply swines who can oversleep, and next day pretend, that have not learned or have not found out you. There are on the Earth guys, kotoryem pure or clean girls are necessary and I think, that you will find such! Success!

05.07.2004, 05:49
Silly little girls, are not present words!!!!

05.07.2004, 15:57
Christina, you ask, " when it is already necessary to begin a sexual life ". It is necessary to begin when will meet It or Him. With whom you will be connected or bound with mutual love and a mutual inclination. The unripe girl will lose virginity with gregarious feeling only. And what to respond girl-friends? Can not support or maintain simply such conversations, it will be quite natural position. Success

06.07.2004, 04:03
I have lost virginity in 21 year. Now to me 30 and for this time I not to time have not regretted, what is it happen not in 17 years. Virginity it what you lose once, so where to hurry up? And your girlfriends still silly and unripe. Can in soul or douche and regret, that have given or remote it or her not to that, but now that late. Do not listen to them, live the mind or wit.

06.07.2004, 19:19
Well than you is hammered golovushka! "Many" guys start up remain many, and you choose to itself from the Few, which having on brachiums not only a head of hear. But also brains, sosobny to estimate or appreciate you not as the virgin. And as the Woman! There is no good person, you yourself not on a flusher have found in kontse-that of the extremities or ends, psivye are not necessary, and do not listen to silly girlfriends, they I am confident, stir or chatter more than do or make, and prove that you better, not to those that else forgive or excuse in partkah it is not touched, and it is better in general, you are able "to submit" well yourself, beautifully to put on, apply a make up, to understand in fashion, in technics or technical equipment, in general or common;in general be fair, and is not necessary to litter yourself with nonsense. The main thing that sex was qualitative and you have not dug or run on any primetivnogo the villain, aspire and be able To choose, then also all will be OK!

07.07.2004, 11:00
P. S. Yes, even sometimes the wireless Internet gives failures, I am sorry for mistakes or errors!

Lady Night
08.07.2004, 06:26
Dear Christina! Prove to everything, that you really dear or expensive! On your place I am simple this or thus most have favourably sold. Now there is opredlennaja a group of the men capable for the sake of the virgin on many or much. Only the main thing is clever to dispose and make itself the good bargain. Let there is no big love, but you will have greater or big money, let though time of a life. Believe, it is better, than buketik pity roses and silly verses under the moon. In due time I "have exchanged" the virginity for trip abroad and a mink fur coat, and all is class! Only that quickly you get used to such life. In general, certainly, look itself, that then about what to not regret.

The anonym
08.07.2004, 14:09
Lady Night, I am afraid that is necessary to you on other site - you know on what

dlia Ledi NIght
09.07.2004, 18:48
i nado je takoe pridumat..

11.07.2004, 09:16
Christie, you know, at me a situation similar... Only to me up to 19 half a year. But the same sensations. And the most awful, that on the one hand as you will have heard plenty of girlfriends - too starts to be wanted sex... And as there is an opportunity, emerges any chel, is thought: and nafig it is necessary? Itself it becomes a pity... And than it is more to pass or take place time, especially choosy I become... I am afraid that in 20 years I shall not find the person responding all my inquiries... Christinas if you will want - write to me, will be to talk about what... Can together as we shall think up... yoursong@ok. ru

12.07.2004, 04:32
, in marriage, nevterpezh. Nonsenses, detka. I believed in family. (by the way itself from Armenia. Laws at us were strict) earlier. Idolized or worshiped the husband. And he in 20 years to me brjaknul: really at you up to me nobody was? What have I won? At me children - two. But not bole that. Loneliness glozhet spiritual. Thought of high matters, and it has turned out pshik. (And "has exchanged" me on at once two cheap stuff with which worked, which the friend the friend ustrili a stage of jealousy and me girls, a site good, not portte its or his nonsense have involved) And voobshche-that. At everyone the road, and here even neither the sexopathologist, nor the psychologist will not help or assist you. Pass to other site.

13.07.2004, 02:43
, in marriage, nevterpezh. Nonsenses, detka. I believed in family. (by the way itself from Armenia. Laws at us were strict) earlier. Idolized or worshiped the husband. And he in 20 years to me brjaknul: really at you up to me nobody was? What have I won? At me children - two. But not bole that. Loneliness glozhet spiritual. Thought of high matters, and it has turned out pshik. (And "has exchanged" me on at once two cheap stuff with which worked, which the friend the friend ustrili a stage of jealousy and me girls, a site good, not portte its or his nonsense have involved) And voobshche-that. At everyone the road, and here even neither the sexopathologist, nor the psychologist will not help or assist you. Pass to other site.