Просмотр полной версии : Devchenki, at me absolutely awful situation, I am pregnant from the lover. Vche...

Has got
27.06.2004, 10:18
Devchenki, at me absolutely awful situation, I am pregnant from the lover. Yesterday has checked up the test. At me the husband, the child and I was not going to at all to destroy or blast the family and the lover it so. A problem in that that he 10 years is married and its or his wife cannot have children. For it or him it is tragedy. And here I with the pregnancy. I do not know what to do or make. To speak him or not, and if to tell or say, that then? More shortly, horror

28.06.2004, 19:25
Precisely horror. Or will break the family, or vozmyote on itself a huge sin and probably will spoil health. It is necessary to pay for all alas..

29.06.2004, 05:55
Stone on a neck and a head in a whirlpool

29.06.2004, 15:37
Situation EHOVSKAJA! But to tell or say to the lover nevertheless costs or stands. It is possible a serious question: you like it or him? If "yes" _ the kid. But to solve to you and only to you.
If something to advise - to the present, it is necessary to know your life with the husband and attitudes or relations with the lover. Happy New Year - old! I wish to make the correct decision then to not regret.

Has got
30.06.2004, 20:31
I very well concern to the lover, he remarkable, worthy respect the person.
The husband to me is very dear or expensive also attitudes or relations in family normal, it is simple I such a pig. But what delat-that?!!

I am I
01.07.2004, 19:00
Do not take in head to speak the lover!!! If the second child you do not want, itself you know what to do or make, and so why and to not leave?

03.07.2004, 01:53
In a life everyone happens, then prijdesja to make a choice.
" That imeem-we do not store or we keep, having lost, we cry! " - not by me it is thought up. Successes and wisdom!

Has got
03.07.2004, 19:38
The irony consists that I wanted the second child, but the husband kak-that has very cool concerned to this idea, it can and has pushed me on feats.
Therefore to me kak-that is difficult to solve a problem simple and rigid by. But breaks family I cannot, that I shall tell or say to the child, and grandmothers, grandfathers.

Has got
04.07.2004, 12:15
And the husband? I think that he me will not expel also the child, even another's will grow up, but in fact and the lover will not leave me, in fact for it or him, can, it is unique chance to have the child. Everything would give to not be now in such situation.

05.07.2004, 15:09
The husband should learn or find out, as preservation he manages, and condoms for a long time were not torn. And externally they different (men). At me such feeling of fault before them both, that I think can live to me one, that I shall not lift children.

07.07.2004, 02:36
I, just as the small child, have gone on an occasion at "have got"! Finish, detka, to do or make waves in tazike. Has thought up history with boredom. With straym New year of all!

07.07.2004, 09:57
Shutniza ti, odnako... Vseh blag tebe v Novom Godu:)

Has got
07.07.2004, 22:35
Do not take offence, please, simply to me it should be gone through, someone soperezhit, and history not such invented. Its or her extremity or end to me is known and for many would be instructive. Zoe and that you vetom a case have made?

09.07.2004, 10:16
You understand, the darling, I do not know as to tell or say, fortunately, personal such case had no, and here on examples of others _ and it is more dramatic...

10.07.2004, 20:24
Well my God! Well why people vemja forget all about in what century or blepharon we now live?! The medicine has not remained on a place. If at you term till 2 months, go and solve a situation in the medicamental way without damage to health! The truth "pleasure" costs or stands 300 dollars. If you live in Moscow I can advise you the center where itself I am observed. All quickly and painlessly, and the main thing without consequences.

11.07.2004, 08:29
And happens and so - at my girlfriend two detej-one from the husband, another - from the lover. And the husband knows about it or this and live wonderfully - the world and love! But it, certainly, an exception to the rules.

12.07.2004, 11:57
So what instructive extremity or end of history?