Просмотр полной версии : The doctor how me to calm? My guy the whole summer promised to arrive to mn...

10.07.2004, 23:02
The doctor how me to calm? My guy the whole summer promised to arrive to me (we for a year saw 20 days. Now I through the sister learn or find out, that he predet only on August, 20th, and on September, 1st leaves for study. Thus he speaks, that strongly likes me. I all have got exhausted - I shout at everything to crying I am dared or laugh, badly I sleep, began to make any crazy acts. I feel as 2 years ago when other person whom I strongly liked has made of me the sobachku, and have then crushed... Help or assist!!!

11.07.2004, 18:59
Maria, all of us someone's sobachki, unfortunately! And so, stop to give for this purpose an occasion and let the man there are ours pesikami, instead of we, correct and crushed! Above nosik:-)

Mariji ot parnja
11.07.2004, 22:37
Dorogaja Masha, absolutno analogicnaja situacija u mena. Ja ne smog priechat iz za granicy k moej devushke. Eto bylo neskolko let nazad no ja do sich por nemogu zabyt i mycajus. Poverte mnogoe zavisit ot obstojatelstv. No mozet byt skoro ja priedu. Kakoe otnoshenie u nee ko mne posle stolkich let? Napishite mne pozajlusta na mail ja ocen volnujus. O poezdke uznal sovsem ne davno i mne chotelos by ot kogo to esli ne podderzku tak chota by ponimanie. U vas takaja ze situacija napishite mne pozajlusta www. ddt74@rambler. ru