Просмотр полной версии : And I here have come to conclusion, that all of you muzhiks should edify and do or make horns...

08.07.2004, 00:44
And I here have come to conclusion, that all of you muzhiks should edify and do or make horns it with periodicity and postojannostju, here then you will have stimulations, and that will be, popritretes and think, well here yours... Instead of here that was, not yours we, not yours...

09.07.2004, 05:23
And I here have come to the same conclusion, only about women;)

10.07.2004, 18:31
Amelia, instead of that will be opposite only for the sake of it or this? On a harm to mum I shall cut off to myself ears? It can is possible as that differently, "to stimulate" process? So it turns out, that you belong not to him, and still to much... Moreover and without any benefit... eto-what that fair davalka turns out. Whether to prove is better, that you except for the husband belong still rabtoe, the vital purpose, at last! To change absolutely unessentially... If with mind or wit to approach or suit to a problem, and to prove to the man, that if he will not show to you due inetersa he as the vital phenomenon will depart on ooochen dalnyj the plan, but you thus, save advantage.

11.07.2004, 11:32
Dare Amelia, suddenly CHTO-SOMETHING you will find::))