Просмотр полной версии : Has bothered to be nobody necessary. There is everything, except for the beloved. And to search-...

29.06.2004, 00:20
Has bothered to be nobody necessary. There is everything, except for the beloved. And to search - to get acquainted? Vlom.

Well here
29.06.2004, 03:02
Do not hurry up. She will find you. Or Destiny to her podskazhet-that ty-it you.

29.06.2004, 17:07
And how much to wait? Or to try or taste?

Well here
01.07.2004, 06:33
No to not try or taste! It is obligatory to wait!

01.07.2004, 13:39
Has not understood, you are necessary to nobody or nobody is necessary to you, time vlom to get acquainted?....
I would try or taste, but only vse-taki at presence though any chuvst from both parties or sides

02.07.2004, 10:48
Certainly to wait)))))) Until pryntsessa jingling costume jewellery will not fall down a balcony)))

03.07.2004, 17:39
Only all a balcony just in case strengthen, and that suddenly pryntsessa serious will appear or costume jewellery will be 8) much

05.07.2004, 01:01
I do not wish anything to do or make, on a balcony has thrown an old mattress

The anonym
06.07.2004, 15:43
So you solve: to you hochetsja or vlom?

07.07.2004, 05:39
I would like, only to strain vlom. Well it is not clear?: (

07.07.2004, 12:55
Well then wait, can and will fall down...

08.07.2004, 10:43
unita thanks, you have very much helped or assisted me, if not you - I would not know that and did or made...

09.07.2004, 17:38
Always please, address still:)
We here almost all such kind and sympathetic:)

10.07.2004, 08:19
unita, knock in asju - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109490526

11.07.2004, 04:53
To what all these romantic aspirations? oblamaeshsja...