Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my guy komleks inferiority. It stirs or prevents to ours otnosh...

10.07.2004, 05:02
Hello! At my guy komleks inferiority. It stirs or prevents to our attitudes or relations, we together 3, 5 years. He not uverrenyj in itself the person, besides lazy. Sometimes with it or him not vynosimo to communicate, he behaves not vospitanno, but I understand, that all this iz-for komleksov. He does not know as to fill to itself(himself) the price, how to prove to be, though itself very interesting person. He is very jealous, recently we wanted rastavatsja, he was with the girl, I too had a guy. Now we together, but he is jealous me madly, speaks, sees me naked or exposed represents as me caresss another and rages. I try to praise always it or him, to not condemn for misses, to emphasize its or his victories. But nothing varies. I want, that series with me were strong, self-assured the man. Help or assist me, please, to him to help or assist. That he knew, that he the best. In fact I know it! Also I speak him about it or this. And he doubts!

10.07.2004, 08:15
Drop a stone tochit not force, but frequent falling