Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! To me 33 years, married, two children (not this husband). Muzh-prekras...

05.07.2004, 23:00
Good afternoon! To me 33 years, married, two children (not this husband). Muzh-the perfect person. But 4 months ago I on the Internet have met another the man. We saw in the same place on the Internet by means of a digital videocamera. I am excruciated 3 months, trying to tear these attitudes or relations.
But with horror I understand, that I can not live and day without dialogue with this person. He is younger than me for 6 years, lives in Italy.
I stay in the whole days behind a computer, expecting when he will communicate with me on the Internet. He very strongly raises or excites me.
And it that we never saw in a real life. Such sensations with anybody did not test. It is similar more likely to any delusion. Before this occurring I felt the happy person. Now to me it is very serious. How with it or this to consult?

And here the answer
06.07.2004, 01:30
With what you wish to consult? With gravity? With a computer? Switch off it or him, business or affairs that's all. If you have fallen in love - I congratulate! The Love is a perfect feeling, I do not understand, what for this feeling needs to be suppressed. If he strongly raises or excites you also a problem in it or this, that is such joke... The man comes to a drugstore and speaks - give me, please, 100 condoms. The surprised seller gives demanded. There and then, not departing from cash department, the man starts them to tear and tramble down this. On a question of the seller " That you do or make? " He responds: " Recently I so have stopped to smoke... " So if you have finally decided to tear with your Italian can apply the following - unpack or print out not the printer of 100 its or his digital images - and tear to health...

06.07.2004, 11:05
Everything, you have flown by. Both the first you will lose, and the second you will not receive (

06.07.2004, 23:16
I think, it will pass or take place... In fact you have quite real person - the husband! If you like it or him, will find in yourself forces to tear these virtual attitudes or relations.

07.07.2004, 19:38
Have the imaginations on health and be unloaded with the liked husband who feeds your children. Do not invent problems, they simply do not exist. My friend zhenka-the pirate liked to use to say: the best - the enemy good.

08.07.2004, 09:54
I think, what not so is simple, to forget, tear, switch off (easy heart I switch off, forgive or excuse me my love... (Z). I too did not believe in gravity of such attitudes or relations. Has fallen in love with the Internet friend unexpectedly, passionately and selflessly.
At present we have left the REAL husband who has noticed, that we were separated with the Internet. But also in the VIRTUAL life nothing has developed. As a result I have remained one. However, I consider or count what to meet it was possible anywhere, it is not so important. Important your desire and the decision that you at last want whom like? And to cope with it or this really it is very complex or difficult. I believe, that to you is serious. The will, reason and composure in the decision of so vital situations is necessary. On both parties or sides of a computer real people and, by no means, not virtual destiny...

09.07.2004, 10:07
The virtual love happens (ask at everybody, who has had been ill with it or this) when something does not suffice in real - or you do not like the husband (happy it was possible to be and without love), or you conduct the boring closed way of life, or still something - at everyone is the cockroach. And so you should not get rid of the virtual boyfriend, you should find and solve that problem which exists at you in a real life and then virtual love or itself will run low, or she becomes for you a ridiculous adventure, or you will understand, that you need to meet immediately your Italian vizavi - and there come what may. Solve the real problems - virtual by itself will disappear!