Просмотр полной версии : Yes, unfortunately women now became not those (in a lump, without insults). To me to...

29.06.2004, 03:53
Yes, unfortunately women now became not those (in a lump, without insults). It seems to me, what is it iz-for changes of customs and values. Spirituality should be lifted, dear or expensive women!

29.06.2004, 05:47
Aha, certainly, and all muzhiks goats and all women... And!:)

The anonym
30.06.2004, 20:10
To stick each other with fingers and to speak - melchaetes... Has gone

01.07.2004, 09:28
There was nobody bajanit. Masses are necessary at revolutions, for love - to individuality.

The anonym
01.07.2004, 19:47
Similar you communicate not with those women. And can they with you do not communicate? Reflect...

03.07.2004, 06:05
Yes, a bayan. And muzhiks - it is direct through one heroes of the love novel. More shortly one bayans.

03.07.2004, 21:02
On Sunday, in evening news observed spiritual displays of the man's population in Moscow. Yes, with values spiritual has strained! I believe, women at this time embroidered with a dagger...

04.07.2004, 12:02
Women as the women, what situation the behaviour of women is those also, and, women the same. At shaggy socialism on fishing mother ships (mother ships stood till some months in several tens kilometers from coast. Ten one and a half muzhiks and nesk. sot women.) muzhiks simply did not risk to show to them on eyes and sat on cabins and other angles. The limit in their behaviour is not present!!!!!

06.07.2004, 04:21
And what means "those"??? I Can be valid not that:)))

06.07.2004, 12:09
The person so skromnenko has stated the idea, quietly, nobody has offended also fingers did not stick and here on it or him the rack of "sick" WOMEN with damnations)) ((Yes to treat you, dear or expensive while - birches))) has thrown

The anonym
06.07.2004, 22:41
Gy, kolobka ktoto vyrygal back))

08.07.2004, 14:21
Have more likely digested. And he has left the put place, and now here stinks))