Просмотр полной версии : People, help or assist who knows, proctal or anal seks-it is dirty? And what from it or him an afterbirth...

01.07.2004, 08:29
People, help or assist who knows, proctal or anal seks-it is dirty? And what consequences from it or him? I wish to know precisely at practising. With podkolkami to not disturb!

02.07.2004, 09:30
No. Not dirtly, if it or this wants both the man and the woman. Three rules: cleanliness, greasing, tenderness. To begin better with easy or light;mild, gentle stimulation by a finger moistened by a saliva, for example. If reaction negative - to stop. If positive - to continue...

02.07.2004, 19:55
Thanks, you present or true the man. Schas to the I shall show, and that has thought up any cracks, an incontience, and hunting to try or taste me and this version.

03.07.2004, 13:01
Once again - do not forget. If she does not want - in no event!

04.07.2004, 20:46
shto means does not want, here sits and artfully smiles. Well and before it or this has already elicited a costly present, well and what I need to do or make? Or proctal or anal and a gift, or money are whole, but without pleasure.

04.07.2004, 22:49
Listen, Stasik, you probably svedujushchy the muzhik, and instead of sljunej that else are possible, can what gels, ljubrikanty?

06.07.2004, 13:36
Stasik, you have advised and uryl from me, and girls at the sexopathologist and family such have advised, that my wife cries. They that all from it or this roar?

06.07.2004, 18:50
No. Not dirtly. But very much zanudno. All around udelano in greasing, it is necessary to jump under douche at once, instead of it would be desirable. To wait while completely all will relax it is necessary longly enough (on sensations, naturally, hours are not present), and then all comes to an end quickly. Greasing it is necessary polzovat prosto-taki handfuls. We practised during monthly (only not in the first day then it is morbid), have then refused. Kak-both have died away or gone out that. It is a lot of fuss, and to sense hardly. Send or have passed on oral.


08.07.2004, 11:09
ANY sex without love and mutual desire - a semen on a wind and tears to the woman