Просмотр полной версии : Rather, ostensibly nekvalifitsirovannosti "others" here present psi...

To the one who likes to criticize inkognito
07.07.2004, 21:25
Rather, ostensibly nekvalifitsirovannosti "other" here present psychologists. I have told or said about aggression a subject artem) as you should know, that there is a type of depression (dysphoric) which is accompanied by attacks of sudden anger. But I do not like to hang to people diagnoses, t. To. People should to help or assist cope with their complex or difficult situations, instead of to glue it or him diagnoses behind which it is easy or light to be hidden. Especially it has been told or said, that already there was a reference or manipulation behind the help to the expert. What for it or him again there to direct or refer? The person wanted the help.
Vo-the second, a retort concerning Alexey. At everyone the approach, psychodynamic, kognitivnyj, etc., someone prefers at once people to overfeed medicines though in DSM-1V it is precisely specified, that not medicamental therapy at times helps or assists.
In the third, give at this forum in process of our forces to help or assist people, instead of to solve own arrogant problems. Yours faithfully to all here present, Alain

Alain - from Marina (inkognito)
07.07.2004, 23:15
1. About ambitions of speech cannot be even just because I inkognito (if it is necessary a name or it in general has any value or meaning;importance let it will be Marina:-)
2. About " to glue diagnoses " and " to be hidden behind them ". Too it is absolutely deprived sense, t. To. inkognito it is not meaningful to speak something "to get rid or "hide", in fact neither money, nor obligations here is not present, it is possible at desire in general to ignore a question, whether not so?
3. I consider or count what to be engaged in self-digging it is possible also most, and with the traditional psychologist (I concern to less traditional directions). Therefore nevertheless - to mine when there is the optimal, clear and lokanichnoe definition of a problem why it or him to not open to the person? Then he and itself, for example, by means of i-not that, can find mass of the helpful information, sites (professional or groups of support), forums, etc.... And so it turns out, that we simply narrow opportunities of the help, answers are more subjective (as the given form of dialogue not the most optimum)...
4. About medicines. Yes, unfortunately, there are statuses or situations when return the person to normal functioning the pharmacology, t can only. To. For example, depression of depression, also as well as a phobia of a phobia - rozn. At the same statuses the different nature is possible or probable. Certainly, it is better without medicines! But when the person years wastes time, money and hope on bezlekarstvennuju therapy, it already speaks about something.