Просмотр полной версии : My civil husband has left from me to 17 ti to the years or summer girl (me 29). I their kind...

13.06.2004, 16:12
My civil husband has left from me to 17 ti to the years or summer girl (me 29). I saw them together. To me it is very sick. With private life after it or him it is impossible to me. Met the man, but he has not wanted serious attitudes or relations and has disappeared. I feel elderly, ugly and nobody necessary. Forgive or excuse, simply it would be desirable to talk to someone.

14.06.2004, 05:13
Has left, so has left, Let it pass. I understand, how to you it is bad, and to him it is now good. Such time will come also when you will be happy, and to him will be toskilivo. All to be adjusted. Also there is no guarantee, that your love will come at once after parting with it or him. So does not happen. He has caused you a pain, for it or him it precisely will not pass or not take place completely. All comes back. Do not despair, you not at that age to give up yourselves as a bad job. He has pursued a youth, very silly. Will meet the one who actually will grow fond of you and will not leave at the first opportunity to live with another. Success to you and patiences.

14.06.2004, 21:36
By the way, here than me and to not like the civil marriage. Has taken and has left, so it is simple, without any obligations and the responsibility. Has wanted to one has moored, has wanted to another. And not to that to protect the woman and ostayotsja she alone with the experiences and the broken hopes while its or her civil (even the husband tongue does not turn to name), has a good time with very young and enjoys a life. Would strangle.

The anonym
15.06.2004, 04:17
And than differs civil from officially left husband? Delirium! Keep, the girl, still ahead!

16.06.2004, 14:10
Anja, 29 - you are young and beautiful, all will still be adjusted, it is just necessary to go through parting, and then all will develop. Look or see " the Diary Bridzhit Johns " - lovely optimistical film, I recently have looked or seen it or him - he has very much liked me.

18.06.2004, 16:26
Excuse, but with Emotion I do not agree in occasion of a civil marriage. My girlfriend had an official husband, present or true, legalized and that, has fallen down 2 years ago, thus nothing has explained, has left the child 2 h years and neither to spirit, nor hearing. It has appeared, that before it or he had other marriage or spoilage and too most, has fallen down without explanations and the first wife has divorced without it or him and has submitted on the alimony so he now in search from first marriage, chuvstvovaetsja and from the second too most to expect. So, civil here not and, it depends on the man, besides now to divorce elementary without presence of one of spouses.
And to you Anja I would advise to not be afflicted, it is a lot of cases similar to yours and all came to an end well. So gain strength and spit, try to tell or say to itself all that all is not done or made to the best and necessarily life will smile to you.

21.06.2004, 13:07
Anja, and you have children?

22.06.2004, 13:13
Children at me are not present. I live one. All roliteli and native in others gorodyh. So it has turned out. Girlfriends all zamuzhnie and with children. It is a little alone of itself I feel.

22.06.2004, 17:47
And from what it is necessary to protect the woman at break? And why the woman? pochemu-everyone consider or count that, that women suffer from a civil marriage. But, vo-the first, experiences at break will be in any case, official marriage or spoilage or civil. And vo-the second, material losses can be in lbjubom a case. Also suffer thus those women who lived off spouses. If the woman is capable to contain itself also problems will not arise (un except for a situation with rebenokm).

25.06.2004, 18:20
Anja, it is good, that has fallen down now. Have a rest. Many alone feel and in family. At you friends, too will check up, friends or as... Yes at you now the most perfect age. You former are beautiful, but already steel more cleverly, more wisely. Men so a lot of attention give age of the woman, the woman more excites. For now to feel young and beautiful in a hairdressing salon, magazinchiki, sports, etc. As in the story about habits of men and women... I have again recoloured hair and I begin a new life. Do not wait the man, he will come.

26.06.2004, 11:45
Whether I do not know will support or maintain you this report, but at my husband the sister has married in 30 years there live 8 years - schatlivo so to mine 29 it at all age - is believed by you are young. And now try to make the schedule such to sigh there was no time and walk more - go on foot if there is an opportunity - pool, massage. You write, that you from other city, can it is necessary to go home to see parents, old friends, only if there not zamuchajut rasprosami. Can it is necessary to borrow or occupy something new. First through force, and then will tighten or delay. Sometimes even it is necessary kaoe-to get or start that animal - the care of a small alive essence which requires your love and care will soften your soul. All this, certainly is not any replacement of the liked person, but I think it is simple can pomochvozradit to soul or douche for new love - which it will be obligatory.

28.06.2004, 08:32
Anja, I have got divorced from husband in 26, having remained with 3 h the years or summer son and at all did not believe in repeated marriage or spoilage, vse-taki at presence of the child it is more problematic, than if the woman is free and entirely can devote itself ustrojstu to private life. Besides I not djujmovochka, body height 182, hence, men below 185 do not approach or suit in general. I simply lived the life, not going in cycles on loneliness. And, friends was much, therefore as young. And here in 29, 5 years has casually met very beautiful young man, 185, is younger for 4 years. Here concerning it or him in general any plans did not build - 4 years of a difference, beautiful, was not married. At once became lovers, and in a year he has moved to me and together we in a civil marriage 14 years. Never submitted any occasions for jealousy. And here to what conclusion I have come. Married the woman should be after 40, then the man for her it is especially necessary. For now young - live, be pleased lives, get or start love novels, change admirers and do not go in cycles in the problem. At you ahead 10 more remarkable years, remember, hundred youth so is rapid...

28.06.2004, 14:28
And in what of wine of the husband that and why to him all this then should return? The person has stopped loving one and has grown fond of another. It is a life. Its or his faults that the heroine suffers, no. And and here he has pursued a youth? Delirium.

02.07.2004, 03:33
Anja, I too support or maintain statements, that 29 years it just very remarkable age. And of any old age do not think! Men fell in love with me and in 35 years is younger... The main thing, try to look or appear always well, to be attractive and interesting. All in your arms or hand. What for to you the man which does not like you, and still runs to young girls?

05.07.2004, 22:31
Anja! And all at you ahead. And about it or him try to forget. My close girlfriend in 37 years has missed the husband, in 38 has married under the announcement in the newspaper, in 40 has given birth to the son. There live 12 years, yesterday I was on an anniversary of their wedding.

07.07.2004, 20:10
Basically, not so years to that girl to whom he has left, 17 or 37 are important, how much, the fact is important, that the person have thrown, and there was have preferred to that that to another. Here samoedstvo, search of disadvantages at itself also begins, both any pools and hairdressing salons it will not interrupt. Simply there should pass or take place any time that the person again has believed in itself, and the main thing that there was a trust to the man (not to it or this, certainly, and to men in general). Anja, do not attach such significance to biological age, it is possible to tell or say " to me already 29 ", and it is possible " for me only 29 ", all depends on personal perception. And in fact it is valid, there is huge plus that he has left now when you are still young and you have a real chance to create family, to give birth to the child. All at you will be, believe, more few time all still has passed or has taken place, and more not tears vyplakany.