Просмотр полной версии : Eternal problema-he and its or his mum. No, at me with her good relations. But he...

07.07.2004, 12:49
Eternal problema-he and its or his mum. No, at me with her good relations. But he so sponsors it or her, that to me is insulting. Here an example. We go to have a rest in some days. He, I and its or his mum. Here claims any - he has promised a trip to mum even before our acquaintance. But here trifles begin. We with it or him live together. He has told or said, that before a trip will go to mum to help or assist her to be going to. Mum not the invalid, is not sick, her 60 with small. I shall collect ours with it or him things itself. It good. Here he declares, that will go to mum and in target as it is necessary to change money. That is again all hozjajsvto on me, and at leisure - sit one. I have asked, that through all city to be dragged money to change, in fact mum could make it (she does not work, houses sits, he contains it or her), he on me has looked or seen as at the madwoman. A pier how it is possible to trouble it or her with a campaign in an exchanger? As though it not is necessary to all of us... Certainly, all this of a trifle. Parents should be helped or assisted. But my parents, they hardly are younger, the truth, and work being wound through all city, and it is a lot of, and on a summer residence work. I do not speak about collectings. Even washing 77 years or summer grandmother herself everywhere is going to, and anything. And more me guards. In due time he has told or said, that in attitudes or relations with it or him the main thing to like he and its or his mum. For it or her he is ready on all. It is necessary to her to tell or say, that something is necessary for her - he - take money and buy. It is necessary to me to hint to begin, that something is necessary for me, but money have ended (I in fact not at it or him on the maintenance or contents, for many ours with it or him of need or requirement I cry or pay), speaks: well you have still a pair thousand, will suffice for some time, and then will remove or take off from the bill (that that I earlier, before acquaintance to it or him postponed). It is necessary to mum hardly to start talking more sad voice so he half an hour solicits why the voice sad. And so on some times on day. And concerning to my parents, the daddy has taken out the most valuable things from an apartment that have not stolen while we will not be, I speak: We with you shall go, we shall take away. He to me: well here the daddy will return from a summer residence, let will bring. And in fact my daddy and on days off sticks, that is at it or him well absolutely time is not present on city tuda-here to go for a drive. And its or his mum, means, an exchanger cannot reach? And how to speak with it or him on this subject, I do not know. I understand, that he very much likes mum, but she not absolutely helpless. Still a stroke. When my birthday was, he has promised to me, that in target we descend or go where = - nibud to note. I have solved, what is it Sunday (on Saturdays at me sports and cleaning, in the evening, he knows, me to sleep hunting, instead of on restaurants. In the afternoon on Saturday it is casually found out, that he has decided to descend or go in the evening on Saturday, and to Sunday with mum since morning on a cemetery to go. I have taken offence, that so suddenly about plans have learned or have found out. And it was necessary to go early in the morning. I all the week long did not get enough sleep, the heap of problems was, on Sunday it was necessary to me for the sake of it or him in polsedmogo to rise (he cannot prepare itself for a breakfast), then alone all business or affairs to do or make, and was found out, that mum at all and did not demand that he with her went - she has gone, and with it or him is repeated. As a result days off are spoiled, as we at cinema have gone or send to Saturday, where I polfilma have overslept... And in fact at me day of jam was! And so, really it is impossible to explain to the person, what mum should help or assist and care, but not to the point of irrationality? And HOW it to him to explain?

07.07.2004, 16:45
Most likely, tusja, your guy - the only child at mummy, she has given birth to it or him late, can be for itself. There are such women, which as though nevostrebovany men who were disappointed in them, and not having met the ideal. Having given birth to the son, they start to mould from them such the man which would like to meet in the life. If mother of your guy from their category - most likely is a question of simple jealousy, plus to all synulja has got used to sponsor liked mummy from all and all. To compete to her in the given situation there is no sense - will lose a heap of nerves and the gentleman. Ask to itself a question - whether so he is necessary for you, if the answer positive - accept game rules - ask about mamule more often, offer the help, and in due course you to her will become closer, than synochek. But the main thing do not change, try to not grow fond even, but to understand its or his mum. Attitudes or Relations between the man and the woman almost always kompromis - gde-need to be understood that, gde-that to forgive or excuse, and at times something and to not notice. Having accepted a correct position, you are fast (very much it would be desirable to believe) will become irreplaceable not only for it or him, but also for its or his mum. Successes!!!