Просмотр полной версии : JAn Mihajlovich, hello! At me similar crisis, I do not know what to do or make, ..

04.07.2004, 19:45
JAn Mihajlovich, hello!
At me similar crisis, I do not know what to do or make,
I try to make a decision " to live or to not live ", in sense with the husband. Subconsciously, that is a head, I understand, that without it or him too it will be not sweet, and the child will go through such trauma hardly, especially in it or this to year goes to the first class. But together to live more is not present than forces. All has got. He a year does not earn (has opened the office, all waits for the light future) Last time for the request to execute house duties he began to declare that not the slave, and has the right to rest. To me to have to jump from a place on a place, in searches of the greater salary, for 4 years already 3 places has replaced (at it or him already there was a period of unemployment, year of one and a half house sat) That that that to be interrogated to make, the heap of nerves should be spent, will think up so much excuses if only to not do or make. I naturally undertake and I do or make itself. It at that that at me job (a structure of activity) is simple beshennaja, earlier 21 - 22 I home do not come, sometimes and on days off to have to work.
Tell or Say, with it or this it is possible to be reconciled, it is necessary as that to re-educate (we are familiar 12 years, 7 years in marriage or spoilage), or nevertheless it is not treated,
Or can still or even pridetsja spend the and so almost run low forces for tactical and psychological dodges (that is to search for the approach). CHe to do or make that in such situations?
Thankful in advance

05.07.2004, 11:49
nravitsja bitj lomovoj loshadju-zivi tak i daljse. chto eto za muzik? aljfons... protivno. sebja i rebenka prokormish, razvodisj, jeschjo najdetsja tvoj Muzchina. vpered, rebenok s godami eto pojmet.

The anonym
05.07.2004, 14:02
It is given, and dray loshadej-women not too a little. Business in fact not in the one who and how much earns on this or that piece of a joint life. The matter is that attitudes or relations of Lena and its or her husband have died, have ended and it is the extremity or end of history. She at a subconscious level ishet a cause and effect, and it or this already to do or make it is not necessary. Though, certainly to solve only to her! Success, lovely Lena!

05.07.2004, 21:05
Was in the same situation. Exactly in exactly.. The truth to the child there were 4 years. Longly suffered or bore. Has not sustained. Has left. Second has not regretted, that has left. Has met the person and it is happy with it or him. All happens in a life. But there should be a respect to each other. You agree? About love I any more do not speak... Respect. And that your husband does or makes is a mockery. I so assume, that he frames all conditions for parting as my husband did or made it. CHto-... Satisfy its or his desire.

The anonym
06.07.2004, 09:55
I think, business not in fading feelings, yes it is possible or probable Vsh the husband and good... Simply to you the role zheny-has bothered mother. And njanki in combination. Your husband, probably, since the childhood kak-has born or has taken out that, that the wife supervises in family (for example, it or he had mummy the strong woman and bossed over the father) - he subconsciously searched to itself(himself) for this type of the wife, and has met you. Really you did not notice it in itself till a marriage? Did not test to it or him;them partly and maternal feelings? Apparently, you vigorous and resolute, that also draw to yourselves this type of men (your husband, for certain it strongly involved in you), and then get tired and start to be irritated. Probably, having left this husband with whom has bothered to be nursed, you and henceforth will involuntarily draw to yourselves to him similar, and then to be surprised, that all men such - so often and happens if to not understand itself. Probably, you subconsciously to yourselves search any such. And in general some women are involved more just with a role zheny-materi-rukovoditelnitsy. Actually, here there is and koj-what pluss, not all minuses. And in general then an immodest question: and who at your parents bossed in family?

07.07.2004, 09:22
Anna vysskazala that I think and at me was a situation close to yours, but in that momet I was also is pregnant. And we with it or him have lived 5 years (and were familiar 7). Now and we with the husband good friends and each other help or assist my child of 5 years.

07.07.2004, 15:05
JAn Mihajlovich, thanks huge for your answer! About the family I shall respond with pleasure: the father worked much, and with us practically not veins and if appeared the at home occasionally dispersal under the full program arranged with all. Mum hurted or was ill;was sick, and the most part of time did not work, (on physical inability). Theoretically, the owner in the house was the father, but practically, all life kept on mum and on us (I have a younger brother) because the father considered or counted that more than enough that that he works and contains family. Here such history