Просмотр полной версии : Artem Olegovich! You in one of answers have told or said, that " the Psychotherapy has no pr...

26.06.2004, 17:17
Artem Olegovich! You in one of answers have told or said, what " the Psychotherapy has no contraindications (except for acute psychotic and somatic) " Explain please, WHAT you had in view of under somatic? If at me whole "bouquet" of diseases of diagnoses I cannot accept such treatment? Thanks for the answer.

Tolokonin A.O.
28.06.2004, 21:22
Is available in view of acute statuses: the Heat of a body, an acute appendicitis.... List the bouquet so it will be easier to understand.

29.06.2004, 21:59
Many thanks for the answer. I list or transfer "bouquet": VSD with paraksizmami the mixed type, the Syndrome pozvonochnoj arteries, autoimmune tireodit, a facial neuritis, a chronic gastritis, a cholecystitis, a cholangitis, a colitis, dizbakterioz. Plural cysts shejki uteruses, a fibromyoma of a uterus.
And there were complaints to heart (a retrosternal pain, the frequent extrasystoles causing tussis, a dyspnea or short wind, delicacy) About it or this I have addressed in the next conference "Psychiatrist", concerning compatibility of the medicines which have arisen in conversation with the cardiologist. And in general last two years I seldom rise from bed (that of the house in hospital PND), up to that all this "bouquet" has become aggravated and alternating has deprived with me a simple human life. From here and a question to you about contraindications with somatikoj. As I for these two years three times (for 2, 5 months) have spent everyone in PND (otd. Neurosises) treatment and medicamental, but also two times a week individual psychotherapeutic sessions, daily group. But such sensation that becomes worse. On what my attending physician speaks, that " it is normal, that a problem not simple and old, that it is necessary to remove or take out a layer behind a layer or to go against the stream, that very difficultly and morbidly ". I believe him (I WISH to believe more precisely), but absence of a positive take yields the fetuses: (I live very far from Moscow.

Tolokonin A.O.
30.06.2004, 23:16
It is not contraindication to a psychotherapy. The individual psychotherapy What is the time proceeds? How old are you? Where do you live? Questions arises much to orient in your situation. Call to me, by phone is better: (095 542 30 41

04.07.2004, 02:24
Artem Olegovich, many thanks for the offer to address to you by phone, but to me not simply to make it. I shall try to answer questions asked by you here. To me 40, I from Chelyabinsk, the individual psychotherapy has made 15 sessions at one psychotherapist (then he has moved to other city) and more than 30 (I already from the bill have got off because I do not know THAT there is a session, and that simple conversation, and talk we every day while I in a hospital) when it or him is not present I am am invited by the psychologist. Except for it or this daily (except for days off, well it is clear) so-called "circle" - a group psychotherapy. "Job" with my husband, children has been spent. I see, what to me wish to help or assist, whether but teperjashnee my status nonpluss me " to continue treatment in the autumn "? Here in "archive" I prochla the answer of the psychiatrist in occasion of " klassnosti and professionalism " the psychotherapist AS it is defined or determined, in fact everyone advise to find the competent expert. And so the answer was those " If after 10 sessions you have not felt easier search for other doctor " Here I and has reflected: (As you consider or count, it is valid so or each case is individual? Then on WHAT to be guided? I shall not hide or I shall not cut out, that rastraivajut ideas (and not only mine), that I represent material interest and only. So during our simple time ANYWHERE do not treat free of charge. I in rasterennosti and despair.

05.07.2004, 05:30
Tatyana, look or see conference of the neuropathologist for 1 there there is my report the EXCHANGE of EXPERIENCE is called. Kak-that for a long time I was on courses on diagnostics and there the teacher at these courses has told or said: " If you see malfunction and cannot eliminate or erase;remove it or her, your way of search erroneous means, it is necessary to search for other way ".

Tolokonin A.O.
07.07.2004, 11:58
Dear Tatyana!
In this case both the expert, and methods of psychotherapeutic job should be changed! It will be necessary to connect yoga for your prompt convalescence. Each person has a force for self-healing Soul and the Body, it is necessary to create only conditions for its or her display!!! Try vsyo-taki to call to me with 9 up to 22 across Moscow, do not hesitate, to me on a regular basis call from America, Canada, Chyprus...