Просмотр полной версии : Chastooshkas in execution or performance of women of a forum the psychologist. Wooden stage, gobelenova...

17.06.2004, 05:51
Chastooshkas in execution or performance of women of a forum the psychologist.
Wooden stage, gobelin a curtain, our "liked" women in platochkah in a floret cost or stand. A herring of high body height with dark blue legs or foots, with the dress fitting as kol from a fence, further the Calibre, hardly appreciable from the body height. Sweating nesmejana in a dress in optjazhechku and sitting old Cook on a chair with morshchinestym the face.
Under sounds of accordion nesmejana starts to sing

17.06.2004, 11:58
Has wanted kak-that very much
I milyonka to humour.
Razdrochila among night,
And he has terminated and snores.

17.06.2004, 16:51
nesmejana becomes in build, jumps out small Calibre with a stirring or chattering rubber member in zadnitse and under sonorous golosok tightens or delays: I Have wanted to test,
As such can,
When at once two h...
Fuck between legs or pinches.

When the darling me yo..,
I asked from it or him,
That has pushed between legs or foots
To me still rubber.

He has willingly put both,
Zakrjahtela I slightly-
Having stretched or Having dragged out P . Up to y,
I enjoyed wholly.
Having sung, in podpryzhku becomes in build

The anonym
18.06.2004, 19:02
Aha. We shall begin.
What for you in naaaaaaaaaash collective farm priehaaaaaaaaaal,
What for narushiiiiiil mine pakooooooooooojjjjjjjjjj.

20.06.2004, 02:57
From darlings went in a tram-
It was very close.
He in P .. At me h... Bosses-
Oh, as interestingly!

21.06.2004, 11:59
The herring, a rhonchial voice passing or taking place sutuljas near a stage tightens or delays a chastooshka:
From darlings I have laid down in a bed
And. Has touched.
It or Her will be now.
Firm. Fiery.

I kolenki have turned in
Also has pressed them to breasts,
That is deeper h. Has thrust
My darling. Me.

He has pushed it or him gently,
All. Through having passed or having taken place,
And the beginnings then diligently
To move it or him tuda-here.

I under it or him juloj span,
To push it or him deep into,
And besides still it would be desirable
To thrust in. Something.

Bobrov A.E.
23.06.2004, 02:33
To the gynecologist - in other cabinet or study.

23.06.2004, 17:19
Daaa... Well, to not tell or say, that is untalented. However pardon, I not against high body height, but body height at me 165. And legs or foots at me not dark blue. Why they should be dark blue?.....

25.06.2004, 08:35
Here again cattle...

26.06.2004, 11:26
Well and otvali, my sweet cherry, if here cattle and pojavilos-that with your arrival.

28.06.2004, 02:19
That the Concert, has spoiled... It is glad probably now... That that became cheerful... Oppositely on a site to come...

i-yes - Asya
28.06.2004, 17:46
Well why - the Herring nravitstsa

29.06.2004, 07:36
Allow, I otkommentiruju itself. I recognize ability for the author. That's all. vopros-on what he these abilities uses another. But this business already master's.)

i-yes - the Herring
29.06.2004, 10:06
Then that's all right. And I was frightened, have thought - have caught:-)

i-yes - the Herring
30.06.2004, 07:28
Then that's all right. And I was frightened, have thought - have caught:-)

About abilities, I think you - be mistaken. Mat can be talented (a typical example - all known the Onion, and hardly less known Sadko). Can be ridiculous (a well-known phrase of the driver of the lorry inquiring, what for so have much loaded). But is more often he happens vulgar - simply chel shows. That knows these or it 5 6 words. I insist that these chastooshkas - are worthless. By the way, present or true abusive verses Barkova (the Onion hardly to them it is written) are vulgar.

30.06.2004, 15:28
Well you carry... Than I have caught you have thought..

01.07.2004, 11:29
Here such sign:) or:-) designates a joke.

02.07.2004, 11:04
Well, are worthless so are worthless. Leshy with them. The head hurts me.... " The true in that, Igemon, that at you very much hurts a head "))))))

i-yes - the Herring
03.07.2004, 12:17
" Also hurts so strongly, that you cowardly think of mors. But your sufferings will terminate - the pain will pass or take place. " Kogda-that wished to learn or teach by heart these or it of the chapter or head. Very much I advise prohonour Norbekova " Experience of the fool " - now this book gets scandalous popularity.

03.07.2004, 18:18
You are strong, batko))) it is good, uvizhu-prochtu. Also what, mercy mister, you in a life do not use not normative lexicon?)))

i-yes to the Herring
05.07.2004, 00:33
I use, but any rediska has erased my detailed answer.

05.07.2004, 10:45
Here. It is good. I too use, but generally to houses and with those people whom for a long time and well I know) And to listen those who umeet-directly for ears will not drag)

Well here
06.07.2004, 20:48
2 Seledka-Kontsert-it not that you think. He/she is the known character of our conference...
" Well could not!.. "))) is to a concert. ZHenchin we have more, so it was necessary all "obchastushit", or to not begin at all.