Просмотр полной версии : In total several days ago I was happy: I had a perfect girl...

03.07.2004, 06:00
In total several days ago I was happy: I had a perfect girl, and greater or big Love (I do not exaggerate). Yesterday at night the girl had an abortion (or a plentiful menses - under my version), and, not having talked at all with me (we only on email have communicated) she has declared, that I the coward and wish to tear with me. She has incorrectly understood me: simply I wished to talk first of all to her and to calm it or her, and also - to understand a situation. But she, similar and to listen to me does not want. I feel almost killed. She has not correctly understood me and in general I did not wish it or her to offend. I ask a question to all (and first of all - to professional psychologists) - whether it is possible for something to make and save our attitudes or relations? For me it is very important.) the girl of 16 years. I at it or her the first.)

04.07.2004, 14:35
Explain to her. Tell or say, that like. Really she will not understand? If likes will understand, and will forgive or excuse. And if is not present, she can does not want or wish more attitudes or relations with you and thus it is easier to her to stop them. Like also it is free, and not the first has made a step to break. Talk to her.

The anonym
05.07.2004, 13:28
When mesjachnye-all of us nervnye-wait denek.

Well here
06.07.2004, 18:26
It is possible. Get or start other box and update apntivirusnik. usraZZa it is possible! On " email have communicated... " To youth has gone. lin... (((