Просмотр полной версии : It seems, at us mutual love with my chief, but between us a greater or big difference...

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01.05.2004, 14:07
The mutual love with my chief, but between us a greater or big difference seems, at us in the age of, its or his family which I shall not dare to break and more mnogo-much against. Anybody does not know about our communication or connection, though, for certain guess... How to kill this love or simply to learn to not wait from it or her too much? I very much suffer from it or this, to me it is bad...: - (help or assist me, please!

The subordinate of the chief
03.05.2004, 01:47
Of you the love, but from the chief, hm, the usual phenomenon - sex can also. Do not wait for much, you to him it is necessary only as the mistress that he did not speak you...

03.05.2004, 06:50
He writes to me verses, gives flowers... He has told or said: " If you will call, I shall throw all and I shall come to you ".

04.05.2004, 10:53
The girl, and you are free or you have a family or the young man?

07.05.2004, 12:03
Well let's begin to cry all amicably: (the Girl words of support were necessary further to bend the line. IN TIME she has recollected another's family...

10.05.2004, 19:55
I am dissolved, and I have a son. The young man yet has not met, I search. The line I not a gnu, and the first step was not for me. So do not dare to attack. I ask to respond only helping or assisting, instead of attacking

13.05.2004, 07:01
Elena, you not at home, chtobu to specify, to that and as follows itself to a message as you and not the sample for imitation. To discuss with you was not going to and if you closely or attentively read, responded not to you personally.

The fox
14.05.2004, 16:47
Change a job

The girl
15.05.2004, 01:30
Lerchik, why you recently such aggressive?

18.05.2004, 12:40
The girl, it's nothing?:) I kind;), and I understand, that in this situation all ploho-both to Elena, and its or her chief, and the wife of this chief... And at all I do not consider or count, that from the chief it only sex, I believe that he likes Elena... And here that I do not understand, so it why to Elena so would be desirable to kill this love? If in advance all was so obvious, so like and it was not necessary to begin, and if vse-taki she has reciprocated so why to not be happy what the liked person near to you?.. .hochetsja families?.. .a as it or she can be constructed, not having broken off former attitudes or relations?.. .kak to learn to not wait from love too much?.. .znachit, vse-taki waits?.. .mogu to be mistaken, but this my opinion.

19.05.2004, 22:46
At me still a question to Elena - what difference at you in the age of? It has essential value or meaning;importance. To advise it is necessary to define or determine precisely all parameters. Also do not become angry. On people. Here something knows everyone such up to what will not guess. Different opinions, different views and as a result looking through a prism of all told or said you will find for yourselves the decision.

20.05.2004, 17:40
CHunja, so it seems to me, that age at elect Elena " most klimaktichesky "... This Age will pass or take place, perebesitsja he, and the another's aunt (in the form of Elena remains).

20.05.2004, 22:41
And so just Elenu-that also is a pity. She of ours, babego a tribe. Muzhiks dismiss the peacock tails (flowers, verses). The pancake, is direct Romeo.

22.05.2004, 17:20
We it or her can regret that, but whether she here will regret? The majority of men during this "interesting" period, for a while there is Romeo, but it is temporary also sobering up will occur or happen necessarily. And here then it is very important to find out for them, that the native and liked WIFE series, instead of the another's person from this time or temporary insanity. I such picture in a life observed not time, and win those marriages or spoilage which could go through these moments. One ours strudnitse now 53, the marasmus of the husband has ended about 5 years ago, and attitudes or relations between them since then... You will begin to rock, it seems to me, that she will sneeze, and he experiences also a heater drags... And who will speak here in occasion of pride?

26.05.2004, 04:15
And I about same! And even more I like posts in konfu "sexopathologist" where young women having with the big difference in the age of ask what to do or make husbands? There is no satisfaction in sex. And same it is in advance known. Or they think that from the big love, excuse, costs or stands up to a coffin? Priroda-mother has provided all. And the woman in full blossoming forces (I have in view of female) still as it is necessary!!! And muzhja-that such already only a heater also are capable to bring (not all, certainly, forgive or excuse if whom has offended).

28.05.2004, 01:45
Yes, CHunja, only time have chosen a purse, start up "are heated"

30.05.2004, 03:28
Little girls, it's nothing really? Have thrown on Elena and tramble down... Though I with you completely agree. There are, certainly, exceptions when uneven-age marriages or spoilage happen happy, but on a greater measure in those families, where a rich private world. Remember, how before revolution any 70 years or summer prince married 15 years or summer girl? They travelled, played on clavichords, sang together romances, played music, arranged and visited or attended balls, etc. the Unsatisfied woman in sex borrowed or occupied itself with another matters, and the religion did not give especially (emphasize though not without it or this) to fornicate or wander. And now that, why run for old men? Unequivocally - money. Well what can be kajf from sex with b/at the muzhik? Whether to wait fresh is better. Especially, prospects in the future a little. So, Elena, to what to you this communication or connection: in some years he already also will be not necessary to you and where you will go? And he knows about it or this, therefore family will not leave. And noodles to hang up it is possible, you will think, verses, it in fact not objazjatalstva family.

30.05.2004, 06:42
Yes anybody also does not snatch and furthermore to tramble down.
Here just a question ljubov-carrots. Lenochka, and what you are silent? A difference in the age of at you what? Can not so all and it is complex or difficult. And voobshche-that if really likes - would not wait when will call.
As I understand at you already very much close relations.
Well where muzhchiny-knights? Why they need to be called? If I am necessary to you - come. I so would like... (something since morning on lyrics has pulled me)

03.06.2004, 06:07
Difference very much greater or big... To me 32, to him 60. Be dared or laugh you, ljudi-cynics! Probably, greater or big feelings are simply not subject to you...

06.06.2004, 19:55
Lenochka, yes we do not laugh! And not cynics we. The life simply learns or teaches much. And if at us would be feelings we here came. In tom-continually that here at everyone the problems and with these or it here feelings. Even conference is called " female psychology ". And where she "man's"? Here also have created such business that was to us where to be cried. And muzhiks do not cry! Of it or him it is not sick that to us do or make painfully. Occasionally and men here appear - one can advise something, others is simple posmejatsja. Simply at women throttle also hearts more vulnerable.

07.06.2004, 13:05
And here I the cynic, but in love believe. And anything ridiculous here I do not see: (

10.06.2004, 16:50
And that it is better: most to like or be liked? In an ideal - love mutual. But in zhizni-that all not so.

14.06.2004, 13:44
CHunja if you mean that known statement what from two liking one likes, and another allows to like itself(himself) then there is that around all entirely semifinished items? I, certainly, shall not argue from La Rochefoucauld, but for myself this aphorism I do not accept. The person who only allows to like itself, defective in my opinion. I do not understand voprosa-that means better to like most or to be liked? Yes if the person is not capable to like, with him just right to sympathize, and is sincere.

17.06.2004, 11:33
To me it is not ridiculous, and it is very sick, that all so has ridiculously turned out... I was late to be born for this love. My God, what I vse-taki useless!

20.06.2004, 17:22
Lenochka anywhere you were not late. If would be born earlier to you already was much more years and hardly your present elect has paid to you attention. All prelest-that in your youth (for it or him). And to you, probably, with it or him well and easy. But this all while. I know pairs or steams where a difference in the age of 10 15 years. And it has in the course of time got out in SUCH problems... Will not seem a little. Now my friend "has literally run away" from the new husband with a difference in the age of 22 years. Have lived together half a year.