Просмотр полной версии : What ways to convince the patient (19, 5 years the schizophrenia) to accept treatment (leka...

02.07.2004, 07:23
What ways to convince the patient (19, 5 years the schizophrenia) to accept treatment (medicines, nyxes)
If he considers or counts itself(himself) categorically healthy:
1. To prick in a dream, but now he on the lookout and at night
2. To cause or call organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it is the strongest stress.
Help or Assist efficient advice or council professionals and relatives of patients with the experience.

Inga, the doctor
03.07.2004, 23:37
If the patient does not accept a medicine or he has no criticism to the status, or is in an acute psychotic status (more often "voices" forbid reception of medicines). These are direct indications for hospitalization! "Be not at war" with patients or patient! For the first time I hear about the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For the first time I hear, that nyxes are done or made by relatives. For this purpose there are special medical sisters, and as day time hospitals. Tablets sometimes mix with nutrition, but too is very accurate and it is necessary to know that to what it is possible to connect or bridge.

Inga, the doctor
05.07.2004, 14:50
prochtite answer Oli to letter Nali (hardly below your report) how have convinced to accept medicines of its or her husband. The method of the given reason and fair belief not tae is bad!;)