Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Hoping for your help, I shall try as it is possible will state more clearly...

25.06.2004, 06:23
Hello! Hoping for your help, I shall try as it is possible to state the problem more clearly.
To me of 20 years and I live with the man which for 25 years is more senior than me. At us serious attitudes or relations and we wish to get married. However at us it is a lot of problems in mutual understanding. Basically, both of us mistrustful people and despite of mutual feelings often we doubt, whether it is necessary to one another. It seems to me, that he gives me not enough attention, and he speaks, that I do not allow him to do or make all of its or his business or affairs. Besides it is necessary for me of more sex, than to him. At times there is a sensation, that with it or him any more so it is interesting to me as earlier, and he believes, that I do not wish to communicate with it or him.
At us mutual understanding is broken or disturbed. We wish to be together, but we do not know, how it is possible to solve arising problems and there is a sensation of an impasse.
Prompt, please, as it is possible to establish or install comprehension and trust at such difference in the age of? What it is possible to prognosticate in marriage or spoilage with such difference between spouses?
What problems can arise in a joint life and how they can be solved?
Very much I hope for your answer. For me it is the extremely important. In advance thanks.

The anonym
25.06.2004, 16:33
At you mutual understanding is not broken or disturbed... You simply different. .tebe 20 and to him 45.. Generation a miscellaneous. And sex all will be less necessary for him and you all more.. nuzheli there are not enough coevals? Certainly with mature the man it is more interesting... But it is necessary to understand that just as with young with it or him never will be!!

27.06.2004, 02:01
On it I wish to tell the situation!!
To me was 18 when I have met 32 years or summer man, cheerful enough and friends kotorogt everyone were young.
In half a year approximately we began to live together. At it or him from first marriage the child. Now 9 years.
Has moved from city, which enough big.. In smaller... We lived not badly... Then it has appeared chtou it or him large dennezhnye problems (the duty or debt more than 7000 $) spoke that have stolen. .no I assume... That are lost in a casino (a part precisely). Lived not super! Then iz-for already larger problems we have moved to Moscow! Having moved here attitudes or relations it is terrible uhodshilis though good and were not... In general in given momen we do not live together 1, 5 months. I live all as in Moscow and I work. He has rented the apartment. Calls to me constantly and govrit that cannot live without me, I govrju that am time to finish all. When we meet all to discuss he begins to me be rude and to threaten! Last time cunningly up to that that he has told or said if I shall leave he will borrow or occupy in a suicide (to me it be not become pleasant, t. To. Once already there was in a life a situation when I was blamed for destruction of the person... .strashno it though also guilty also was not, and here at it or him the child and mother).. voobshchem when I have told or said chtou it or him the child he have expressed - " And you to me are more dear or expensive! "... After that we have met... And instead of that that he to me sings in teleonnuju a tube " I Like, I can not live "... He has started to shout that I I have left as someone has appeared at me.. .i in such duhhe... I have not sustained and vlupila a slap in the face!!! In the answer YOU have heard " ZDohnesh and I shall help or assist with it or this! " Though too both wedding and children were planned.
So I can not tell or say that on the given history. .tak as in similar I am.

28.06.2004, 10:35
To me your problem is clear as anybody to another. Muzhchna with which I live 4 years, is more senior than me for 20 years. You should be ready to that he in due course will need sex ever less and less, and here yours cares, caress and comprehension - more increasing or more and more. I about what do not regret. I have made a choice in its or his advantage or benefit and now I wait from it or him for the child. Whether you are ready to offer yourselves for the sake of it or him? For the sake of your joint future in which there will be many problems (in fact you is younger, the jealousy anyhow will have an effect; to you rest and silence) can want even sometimes noisy and cheerful parties while to him predpochitelnej?.. To choose to you, and only to you. Then to not regret about sodejannom and the lost years molodosi... Can believe to me, that problems in mutual understanding at you always will be much... Whether forces that with them to struggle Will suffice at you? I the person strong and purposeful, I wish to be series with the the man and I shall be with it or him, passing or taking place through all obstacles.. . But whether you just as I, them to overcome like?!

29.06.2004, 01:50
The girl, in your life all only begins, in its or his this all already was, whether so it is necessary to ruin all for the sake of communication or connection in which both of you are not assured. He precisely knows that wants, t. To. He has already passed or has already taken place all circles, and here you... Similar is not present. Especially your so-called the man in something accuses you. I can tell or say at once, that be you my girlfriend I would be against these attitudes or relations. Do not do or make such mad mistake or error as do or make many, do not marry it or him, believe to me, anything good it will not turn out, know as hardly to disentangle mistakes or errors iz-for the small impulse accomplished earlier. Precisely the nobility of that you Also learn want or wish from a life, to you very much will help or assist. Believe to me. I am in a strange situation. Success.
And about history Alexanders, it or she should be discussed separately, in this occasion it is possible to think up and come out much all the winner from this situation. Alexander, leave the coordinates if wish to discuss it together we shall think up, that it is possible to make, I sincerely wish to help or assist you.

30.06.2004, 06:29
It do not agree with Kamilloj. What can the very young boy give, let even for 2 5 years is more senior than you?! He still the child and its or his children's tricks should be suffered or born all... With it or him - full uncertainty on the future, phobia, that he can vlipnut in any history, the bad company, etc. I have passed or have taken place and through it... Men are more senior precisely know, that want from a life. With them - easily, easy and not terribly, that tomorrow they will leave in a drinking-bout and them will fire, and it is necessary to one to stick for a two to support not only, but also the husband, and children (if will be). With them - as behind a stone wall. Also no troubles when you know that there is the strongest encouragement are terrible, is on whom operetsja at the most difficult o'clock. Having lived 3 years with the boy is more senior than itself for 3 years, I have left to the man for 20 years is more senior than myself, and minute about it or this have not regretted.

Well here
30.06.2004, 09:00
Look easier! pohozhe-the muzhik feeds it or her, therefore and has calmed down. Not zamorachivaetsja on ljubov-carrots... And carrots, kstati-dosed out therefore..))) 2 Aleksandra-simply goat any has got to you! These are different situations. Sometimes the age does not treat, and it is even more brains nabekrenivaet.. ((

30.06.2004, 14:55
Oksana: I think, if at the person a head not only that in it or her is it is visible and in 20 years. At this age already there should be a representation about the future. Age not a parameter of a maturity. Slovenica: if you decide to cast in the lot with this person you should to learn adapt to its or his way of life. Certainly, on any questions it is necessary to look for the compromise, but - it is necessary to concede in the majority. To you you are ready to it or this?

I am I
01.07.2004, 17:43
Oksana why you have solved, what coevals necessarily silly boys and seryozno by a life do not concern, what it is impossible to rely on them? Around there are not enough examples when boys are much more teleorganic and is more independent, than their fathers. At me, for example, the husband is more younger than me for a month, and I feel its or his daughter sometimes because he is much more independent, is more self-assured and simply it is much cleverer (though I too not silly). And my mum it or him very much respects with it or him for such approach by a life and is perfect or absolute for me is quiet. She is assured, while I with it or him with me happens to nothing. And the friend at me which has left from the safe husband who was more senior than it or her to the boy for 10 years is more younger and minute about it or this has not regretted. Because at this guy a head on brachiums and she behind it or him, ka behind a stone wall as she said. It seems to me age has no by and large value or meaning;importance, the main thing the person.

03.07.2004, 00:25
I in turn do not agree with Oksana, at once it is visible, that at you not a wide experience. Let the husband will be at everyone the, happens, that in 45 years the man behaves as the boy, and happens in 20 - as umudrennyj experience, but pochemu-that seems to me, that you will still be disappointed in the to the man, give the God that it was not so. As to history I am I I would like to meet the man is more younger than myself more cleverly and more wisely than I, moreover and to feel is more younger. Probably to you has carried more, than me. At me the husband too is more younger (2, 5) and I do not get tired to regret, that have married it or him, though to us already and not for 20 years. Now I do not know as it or him to expel, expelled to straight lines tekstom-does not leave. Time on time is not necessary.

03.07.2004, 14:56
I can is unique, but with the senior men it became interesting to me only in 30, in 20 only odnogodki, than you are more senior that smaller the difference, as though in percentage terms seems. And it is not pleasant to feel small and glupenkoj, it would be desirable to be peer.

04.07.2004, 23:44
Laziness to read, it is a lot of young lady ponapisyvali. 1. Ksju, you are not unique) 2. Misunderstanding does not depend on a floor, age, race and color of an iris... It or is, or not. And trust too. You do not have either that, or another, about love I have vaguely understood, so it is necessary, probably to search for another in partners in life.

I am I
05.07.2004, 09:52
Yes, Kamilla, happens. At my sister was bojfrend 45 years when to her was 20. He was certainly interesting person. Widely-read, sports, clockwork, but absolutely not family. In its or his years he has been dissolved already 7 times, there was a child in whom he was not engaged, it or he did not have a permanent job, the idler on a life is shorter. She madly liked it or him and did not pay attention to all it, but the life at them and has not developed. She has earned to herself a neurosis iz-for it or him and even was treated in hospital. He always would like a holiday of a life and if it was possible to earn money they at once were spent for restaurants, and then again a life on its or her money... Such canoe last 4 years. As a result she has left to work for 3 months in other city, and he through sesjats married on 18 years or summer... I, if chesno have sighed with simplification. And the sister then too has found to itself the man and too for 20 years is more senior and has married it or him and rodzhila the child and both of them are happy. He it or her it is simple on arms or hand she wears also it or him adores. So, that age not pokzatel. And previous it or her bojfrend has made of that girl finished narkomanku and has left from it or her... Here and so happens.

05.07.2004, 13:20
And my cousin when to her was 23, a vein with the man of 48 years. Then they have left, and he has found to itself(himself) 20 years or summer, but has not lived with her and half a year, has died of heart attack. I personally think, that such braki-a distortion.