Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor. Esteemed your conference and was filled...

30.06.2004, 18:32
Hello, the dear doctor. Esteemed your conference and was filled to you with trust. You could not comment on mine problemku? Though at me a question to the sexopathologist, but I not the doctor - suddenly something this or thus psychological....

I 2 years married, second time... And the husband at me English-speaking - with all attributes - an English name and a surname... (it is important) the Husband - super, I adore it or him and I see myself in fidelity... But here strange business - with the foreigner on a life I for the first time though I work with them years 10 already. And now I "am got" or started";delivered" on any foreign imja-a surname That is I call to Mark Smith and I feel huge desire.......
Muzh-once again - best of all men, such as with it or him - ni-kog-yes!!! Was not - absoljutnno mine, each time such delights!!!!... .i here this misfortune - I want another's foreigners!! - and to me they also did not like never - and neizvestnno how much to them there years as they look or appear - Ben Right - and I am already ready": (Abidno for itself....

And still I lady clockwork - well there intonation, respiration, fluids if want, with me in a room to be difficultly if I want - are raised or excited even most morally steady - I hope that you understand me - here come into a room and feel - here very much something want..... The girl well absolutely serious with me in one room works also that feels - is dared or laughs over me - speaks " at you in opinion of costs or stands " and when muzhiks come... Even couriers..... .naverno both gestures and a voice and in general all at me "ready"

Voobshchem I do not wish to want any another's muzhiks - though what at them there imja-a surname....... And here is how?

If suddenly it not your structure - tell or say, and that I shall look forward to hearing from you or to your reply very much....

Bobrov A.E.
01.07.2004, 20:18
It is obvious, that at you takes place t. n. Hypersexuality. With what she is connected to tell or say difficultly. It is not excluded, that the mood owing to an original emotional phase has simply changed. Then in some months it will pass or take place. Other variant consists that you had a generalization libido when the strengthened sexual inclination became "opredmechivatsja" on objects, in something similar to your husband. Something like a romantic fetishism when enamoured are raised or excited from a kind of any bagatelle of the friend. And more probably, that libido it is provoked by other promptings, actual for you. What are connected with foreigners (for example, need or requirement for a "beautiful" life, a prosperity, education, skill to speak in foreign tongues, etc.) In general you should seem to the psychotherapist.

02.07.2004, 17:40
Spsibo huge if so will proceed - to runaway to the doctor, has bothered, the word of honour