Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I write to you here with what problem. Very much I am afraid to begin new...

20.06.2004, 05:10
Good afternoon!
I write to you here with what problem.
Very much I am afraid to begin new attitudes or relations. Though... .ja their beginnings already.
Now formally I meet with two young. With one during a floor of year, and, last 2 months we lived together... .on has left to work abroad... I understand, that I do not like it or him! To suspend relations it is necessary, but, something stirs or prevents. Vprintsipi, I know, as I consider or count, what is it incorrectly for my part! He likes me... And it is not simple... For it or him there is only I! Only I!
But it is the person - "mine"! To Me like imperous, in any degree impudent! My father... It is possible to tell about itself longly, but there is one word which characterizes it or him very precisely - the LEADER! The person very strong and imperous! The head of the family! Derektor enough the large company! Very clever! Wise! Dear! But during too time very simple!
In general, wished to tell or say in a word, and it has turned out here is how...
And so.
Young chelovek-"mine" (I shall be it or him so to name) plans on the future and so on.
Here already as 2 weeks at me are another (the Lover whether what to name it or him). He very much is pleasant to me! I am proud of it or him. I feel, that with me series dostojannyj the person!
But, at times I am am irritated with its or his self-confidence! I am afraid " to get under a heel ", to show delicacy....... As has occured or happened in mine " the First love "!
History long and sad.
On-the self-confident macho to whom the beautiful, decent or considerable girl was necessary series!
The girl on pobegushkah... He such has made me... .i I liked it or him blindly! Also bore humiliations, changes! And has then left and waited for an occurring with it or him half a year, and he spoke, that likes! And I as always believed. Has then arrived and at last has understood, what he... Though I and earlier understood, but did not wish to accept it!
And all shouted: the Beauty you ours! Well, whether to you to cry? Look or see around! How much them vyotsja about you! As you can be with it or him! He you not dostoin! But! Love of a harm!
He has finished me to such status, that mum has once come home and has suggested to go to the psychotherapist! Vprintsi, it has not helped or assisted me! She has written out to me restful strong... And all...
Here such here history.
And now, I very much am afraid to get in the same situation!
=)) me only 18. I from well provided family. At me is not present, as those girlfriends. I them liquidated all! With odnogodkami to me it was not interesting to communicate always! To my girlfriends on given by one 26, and other 25 years. But a problem all in that. That they abroad. I have left from Russia 1, 5 years ago for ever! And now on a new residence also I am afraid to get or start new girlfriends...
Certainly, a problem in me, but...
In general, so it would be desirable to tell much, but the overall objective of the letter is, what to me to make to not get under this heel? How to behave with such person?
How to hold the person in a tonus?
I start to be lost, when I feel, that I fall in love...
Thanks God, I the girl not so simply given! These are my principles! Education does not allow! I was not engaged in Sex though he wants it or this with "Lover"! It seems to me, that, the more longly he will achieve it or this, the more he will appreciate me! And to him too, as well as my first love it is necessary - the beautiful, decent or considerable girl, from good family!
Your advice or council is very necessary to me! Advice or council of the psychologist and the woman!
In advance I thank for any answer!
Yours faithfully, Irina.

The anonym
24.06.2004, 01:24
Yes that you ponastroila to itself of an obex? That have you surrounded yourself with interdictions? Get under a heel, get! By the way, it is at times healthy! And in sex borrow or occupy! Reject the far-fetched principles and do or make that YOU want, instead of that is dictated from a ceiling taken tabu. Success!

27.06.2004, 13:05
Irina, excuse for roughness, but all aforesaid you without ceremony keeps within one phrase: " and a small fish to eat, and kuda-that to sit down, and with an ossicle or a bonelet to not choke ".

30.06.2004, 03:41
Thanks, for answers!

01.07.2004, 22:19
Girls! Probably you are more senior than me, more skilled!
Give though any concrete advice or councils...
Really, in a bewilderment I.... = (((

02.07.2004, 16:38
Walk the girl! Be engaged in sex, communicates with guys and not zamorachivajsja! The price of the woman not in how rano/late she is given, and in what she the person!