Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Approximately 8 months ago I have got in seryoznuju failure or accident. Very much d...

29.06.2004, 20:15
Approximately 8 months ago I have got in seryoznuju failure or accident. Very longly oklyomyvalsja. Now I am am excruciated with any uncontrollable delirium inside of a head. It is necessary to the sun to appear, as in a head the stream of ideas immediately begins. Everyones. Different, necessary and not necessary (these or it on 98 %).
Having got in failure or accident, has received a brain concussion, but how much or as far as I remember - insignificant. However in reanimation was in a medicamental dream. How much - I do not remember, but it is short. M the Drugs there too were - but too is short.
To work it is temporary I can not. Not up to the extremity or end has risen on legs or foots.
I seryozno am am disturbed with this delirium. The others whom I see from people - kak-that easily live (do or make, communicate, scratched, read, go, etc.), and here at me something..
It has affected or has had an effect med-a dream and concussion, or it is simple ot-nechego-to do or make ???

The doctor
01.07.2004, 11:19
Trudnovato to carry that you describe to the certain psychopathologic categories. Most close costs or stands t. n. A mentism - a stream of ideas which seems uncontrollable. This status happens at absolutely different frustration of mentality which, in turn, can arise from the different reasons. Therefore you should talk to the skilled or experienced psychiatrist. That so to be excruciated?

02.07.2004, 08:45
Thanks for the answer.