Просмотр полной версии : In current dvuh-three years uncontrolledly enough Accepted Phenazepamum, so...

25.06.2004, 02:53
In current dvuh-three years uncontrolledly enough
Accepted Phenazepamum as he helped or assisted at various vegetative deviations or rejections, especially at weather changing. Now I in holiday also have tried to throw it or him and have received as a result abstenentnyj a syndrome as it seems to me - a constant dyscomfort
In a breast, a tachycardia, arms or hand and legs or foots sweat.
Status awful, but I am was insolent or keep already more
Two nedel-I try to be engaged autogenic
Training also I accept fluoksetin and bellaspon.
Whether you can recommend - how to leave
From such status and how long it can
To proceed? Holiday comes to an end, and I not
I wish to come back to fenozepamu. Thanks

The anonym
25.06.2004, 21:39
At you dependence has developed. That that you opisali-a syndrome otnjatija. Fljuoksitin to you will not help or assist. Bellaspon will probably soften abstinent signs. Address to the expert in narcology as it is medicamental dependence or if you live in Moscow or suburb, personally to doctor Bobrovu. He spets in these affairs.

27.06.2004, 06:15
At me something similar arose after reception 1 2 h tablets of Phenazepamum. 2 3 days also proceeded. That that effect which was to be received from them, never was.

The novel
28.06.2004, 05:30
Your status is not necessarily caused by a true abstinence at otnjatii benzodiazepines (not seeing and not having surveyed you, it is impossible to tell or say, eat or not at you benzodiazepine dependence and if is - whether has she the compelled or forced character owing to illness or disease or is characterized pathological narkomanicheskogo by predilection). Your status can be quite caused and is simple homing, relapse or an exacerbation of signs of your illness or disease at disappearance or eradication of pharmacological "covering" by Phenazepamum - so-called " rebaund-effect ", and a withdrawal (which is not a true abstinent syndrome).

In any case, it was impossible for you sharply, suddenly to cancel Phenazepamum - was necessary gradually, smoothly, during several weeks (and sometimes happens it is necessary even) to reduce some months a dose and to reduce last, smallest doses even more slowly, than in the beginning. Then there would be no neither abstinences (lomki), nor a withdrawal, exacerbations of illness or disease.

And fluoksetin to you will not help or assist - he does not possess stabilizing action on vegetatiku, moreover, iz-for expressed stimulating effect often aggravates alarm and connected with her vegetatiku. For struggle against alarm there are other preparations of this group - Paksil, Zoloft, etc. However, on vegetatiku they directly do not operate or work, only through a reduction of alarm.

And bellaspon - a chicken-feed, he is ineffective and as calming or abirritating and protivotrevozhnoe an agent, and as the stabilizer vegetatiki. Moreover, he is worse than Phenazepamum by way of danger of accustoming as contains butobarbital or Fenobarbitalum - barbiturates. And pobochek gives more. He, certainly, can soften abstinence signs or a withdrawal from trunks, but it all the same what to change an awl for soap - Phenazepamum on barbiturates, fu.

And really, quickly and safely soften vegetatiku, signs of a cancelling of trunks beta-blockers - for example, anaprilin. The tachycardia, a tremor, alarm especially quickly disappear. Still Pyrroxanum or butiroksan well operates or works, they can be combined with anaprilinom. At very strong vegetatike Clophelinum (to combine it is impossible, it is impossible to drink also drops of alcohol) is highly effective.

And for long treatment of actually vegetative signs which have been not connected with a cancelling of Phenazepamum, there are still more many medicines, except for these or it. For example, I can mention some neuroleptics - Eglonylum, Sonapaks, etc., the some people tritsikliki - amitriptyline, for example. All of them stabilize vegetatiku, remove or take out alarm and do not give accustoming.

Bobrov A.E.
28.06.2004, 17:01
Your status as fairly marks or celebrates the Novel, can be connected not only with t. n. A withdrawal, but also with effect of "feedback" on a background of relapse of alarm after prekarshchenija reception of Phenazepamum. Besides at long-term reception of tranquilizers original forms of psychological dependence on preparations are quite often formed also. It also should be considered in your case. I speak about it or this also because both the effect of feedback, and a syndrome otnjatija usually do not proceed more than 2 3 weeks or anyway to the extremity or end 2 j weeks go on depression. Therefore, certainly, would be most correct to you to see a doctor personally, to be defined or determined with the diagnosis and the therapeutic forecast. The most simple way of overcoming of the phenomena described by you - to renew reception of Phenazepamum, but having reduced a dosage in 2 3 times. And then gradually it or her to reduce. From alternative agents the same Ataraxum, novo-Passitum, Phenibutum could poposvetovat to you. Probably, that effektyvnymi will be sonopaks, Eglonylum. As to bellaspona and fljuoksetina I would advise you while to refrain from their reception. Well and certainly, you accept a psychotherapy which is not limited to auto-training. Though auto-training - at regular application well helps or assists at alarm.

The novel
30.06.2004, 05:46
Phenibutum, Ataraxum and the more so novo-Passitum - are rather weak as protivotrevozhnye and vegetostabilizirujushchie agents. Especially after long-term reception of high doses of Phenazepamum Phenibutum (also working through GAMK-systems) will be in general as "water". I would suggest to try or taste or renew reception of Phenazepamum in smaller doses (as has fairly offered d-r Beavers) more likely, or to try or taste Eglonylum or Sonapaks or small doses of Chlorprothixenum, it is better together with beta-a blocker of type anaprilina.

Bobrov A.E.
30.06.2004, 21:18
I can not agree with the Novel concerning "delicacy" of Ataraxum. And more, with experience many experts begin at treatment of disturbing or alarming frustration start to appreciate "weak" protivotrevozhnye preparations which nevertheless appear rather effective. One of my teachers spoke, that qualification of the doctor inversely proportional to dosages of a preparation which he appoints or nominates. I think, what is it it is possible to carry and to t. n. To "force" of psychotropic effect.