Просмотр полной версии : The matter is that I have met with zhenatyym the man, At which child, p...

22.06.2004, 10:23
The matter is that I have met with zhenatyym the man,
At which child, constantly I think about itself, to him I know business or affairs up to me was not present, though pedaval greetings through the friend, but it is casual communication or connection, I can think only about itself, I can not cease to do or make it.

The anonym
23.06.2004, 11:44
Throw unworthy employment or occupation. Always think that kogda-that there will be also you someone's wife and the opportunity is not excluded, that same very young will fall in love with it or him. Think of such "pleasant" situation.

25.06.2004, 00:00
Forgive or Excuse, can not in the business I climb. .no I fine understand you and at present too constantly I think of the person about whom it would be not necessary... I understand, you can about think itself, but tell or say - he knows about how you concern to it or him;them? If knows, on you does not depend any more anything, calm down. .zahochet, will appear.. If is not present - make, that knew. .tak simply will be quieter..

The anonym
25.06.2004, 14:42
Lena, it is very sad and it is doubtful! Better let also does not know, do not poison or persecute to itself soul with another's husbands! Useless employment or occupation or disposable sex pleasure, and is then even worse... Think!

25.06.2004, 20:34
Its or His wife is younger than me for 5 years.

26.06.2004, 01:33
Able ears yes let will hear....

26.06.2004, 11:26
There is such opinion, that all good muzhiks porashvatali, and: why as good so it is already married?.. Yes because married already poobtesannye, and softly lay. It to you so, is free-of-charge on a note.

26.06.2004, 22:38
Imiejushchy brains yes let will think. People, are not loaded on everyone I get on or I climb

27.06.2004, 13:40
I believe, everyone happens.. People get divorced, is married, again get divorced. .net anything impossible

The anonym
29.06.2004, 00:01
vsjo glupo... .najdite drugogo, etot ne vash.

30.06.2004, 14:41
Karina I meet with married the man already half a year... Very much it or him I like... But he mine... I fine understand it. .i never will be mine... And time goes... I understand, that in vain I waste time also the years... But to leave there is no boldness. .pytalis already some times... And again together. .tak that mine to you advice or council. .esli at you nothing was... That better and to not begin! In due course you will forget it or him.