Просмотр полной версии : Life such short, and we waste time on quarrels, finding-out of attitudes or relations, rasch...

14.06.2004, 08:30
Life such short, and we waste time on quarrels, finding-out of attitudes or relations, calculations, who to that how much and that should, envy. Any minute will not return.

And that do or make
14.06.2004, 11:39
Such correct girls in this konfe? Really there is a need or requirement to edify?

14.06.2004, 23:07
I do not edify, simply I think. Can at whom there are other opinions

You dissemble
15.06.2004, 02:53
What it is possible to tell or say against common truths?
You the theorist or an expert?

16.06.2004, 10:01
I sometimes think, if I vdrug-God forbid, certainly, not in starosti-instead of so neskoro, I shall die and at me time will consider mine zhizn-that I shall recollect good from others in relation to myself, that - from myself in relation to another, and for what will be a shame to me... Each time occurs to me a miscellaneous. But only one I for certain know, because videla-the person lived a life only for and considered or counted, that in this world all for it or him, instead of ot-for the world awfully hardly dies.

16.06.2004, 22:31
I the alive person

18.06.2004, 14:01
Here Willows Sen Loran. He is lonely. Was not married. Conducts a solitary way of life. Near to it or him till now its or his mother. But whether it is possible to tell or say, what he the egoist? What has he given nothing to the world? What did it or he do not have people whom he would value to that he was dear or expensive?
There are no unequivocal answers.

20.06.2004, 04:28
When the person dies, he more often zhalet only itself - all is insulting also. I about last minutes

20.06.2004, 23:22
Egoist-that who uses others, not giving or allowing anything in exchange. To have the wife and detej-something does not mean to give or allow the world.

22.06.2004, 09:27
At what here Willows Sen Loran? I speak about you. And about Itself.

To herring
23.06.2004, 06:33
Iv-the same example, as well as we.
To me to die not terribly. On the contrary, I wait for it or this, as disposal. Also holds only that my mors would bring to mountain to my close people.

24.06.2004, 05:12
Excuse, but eto-idle talk. There is vyskazyvanie-" everyone is born and dies alone ". Willows Sen Loran-it is infinitely far from you, from me. .u nego-"single". The mors does not need to be afraid, though it is impossible at a biological level. But as an essence the maximum or supreme and razumnoe-the person should reflect on her (to not think!) as about final feature of the life lived on this ground. And as about an estimation of this life. Therefore your bravado is at least inappropriate. Your relatives too here at anything. At nih-the I. I want, that you ponjali-I speak about a problem or task from which the person is born in this world, and how he vypolnjaet-or does not carry out it or her. That's all. And you mne-about Willows Sen Lorana. Ridiculously.

To herring
25.06.2004, 17:15
And you in fact get excited. Have become personal, bear or take out emotional estimations. Notice, I to you address, not humiliating.
In such tone to speak difficultly. Idle talk, bravado is So much slov-..... .smeshno.
You would like, that with you spoke as?

27.06.2004, 02:54
And you in fact were not presented. Those words, that I upotrebljaju-are not obscene, and I at all did not wish you to offend personally them. I do not have desire you ujazvit-therefore I speak is absolutely quiet. Be simple can such here kategorichnost-this distinctive property of my character. All ravno-very much. .mmmmmm... Well, strange, well. .nu well nu-well the mention someone except for you most (or most) is inappropriate here.

And if to be presented
28.06.2004, 12:37
Is something changes? And how then morals? Again the double standard? With one it is possible and with another it is impossible?
Words acceptable, yes only them it is possible to wound the person more painfully, the matom. You did not want... I believe you) The worse when do not want and sting. Better it is deliberate))
And absolutely neponjatno-that inappropriate to draw analogies? Unless here pravilo-to speak only about itself?
Good night to you, the Herring. Recover.

Well here
28.06.2004, 18:13
Yes, common truths irritate... The correctness... (((
And are necessary to nobody

Andreev G.A., the psychologist
29.06.2004, 07:00
Yes "Liska", we while are young we live also all sovj "precious" time we lose on emptiness. And, when the age already mature comes, only then we reflect. But already late....
In general to bibles it is written, that gosopd has given the person on the average 150 years of a life, but iz-for our sins he has truncated it or her up to 80.