Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist advice or council, I have a marriage agency and often priezhzhajut inost...

18.06.2004, 16:27
Help or Assist advice or council, I have a marriage agency and often priezhzhajut foreigners to our girls, there has now arrived the American, not clear prishozhdenija, accent or stress awful, with debilnoj the deformed or distorted philosophy, I and would like to send. To him of 50 years, krashennyj, except for that a wig, body height meter with a stool, I not from those who looks at appearance absolutely, but its or his appearance even more emphasizes it or him nikchemnost, poisons or persecutes rotten slippery philosophy, hates the roots and a place whence was pulled out or has escaped, chooses girls of 10 20 years, beautiful, thus is guided by a private world but vibiraet on dlinne legs or foots!! Probably I look or appear malicious and cynical but as it is possible so to dissemble! He would be better the simple American and did not play greater or big inteligentnost - me toshnit already, I can I understand nothing in a life, but to me it is very bad on soul or douche about all of it or this. .kstati, at his place someone is, her 21 year, and she it is terrible (!!) It is enamoured in it or him, follows on heels... Such impression that all Americans of not clear parentage, all from one mum, would be desirable to send it or him, to all to it or this and greedy..
At me, the mood strongly, melancholy has fallen. .pomogite how to be adjusted and get rid or be set up and get rid of it or this, all taki the client, to work it is necessary..


19.06.2004, 23:42
And with what to you to help or assist? (((a gene pool, paaaamash, you squander, here so nif. Hectares nobody remains, and you still powder alloy! (((how to work? Here present, that you with it or him proctal or anal sex are engaged, and all this kak-that is awkward so occurs or happens, niche does not climb anywhere, the wig has on one side moved down, he one sweaty handle to itself(himself)) helps or assists you, and another in a nose kovyrjaetsja-bats, and anything and is not present it or this in reale-that!))) In the beauty, and at once becomes more pleasant to talk to the client.)))
Advice or Council invaluable, give the link to the site. We shall come, brides pomotrjaem))))

20.06.2004, 06:25
Biz, you will advise)))) Yana, and what to you up to it or him? Well pridurok nasty, whether a little such? Girls razberutsja-the Old clown)))))))))))) is necessary or not and for what)

20.06.2004, 08:50
And what is it at you for agency - where give girls 10!!!!!! - 20 years.
Job is job, certainly, and it or her nao to do or make irrespectively appearance of the client, but always it is possible to find an occasion for refusal. But age of "goods" me very much zasomneval: (((((((

22.06.2004, 00:38
And I thought, you therefore and have requested the link))) And to me yesterday told, that in any gipsy camp the girl have married in 8 years. And to the groom was 20 (thanks, what not 50 and not in a wig)))). You present that there at the child to 8 years. And then present, that at the man in 20... .daaaaaa.....

23.06.2004, 04:53
2: esteem, che I napisal-well if and now not rassmeeshsja-shall be hung up nah.!))) And if rassmeeshsja-poltsarstva to me! And you! ZakonnyHHHHHHH)))

24.06.2004, 09:44
2. Vashche-that beginning or starting - should be assumed business that it not in all will be pleasant. Especially - such.
And think up to him 3 tests - type at us such tradition, here huch Russian fairy tales esteem - there always before wedding of 3 problems or tasks it was necessary to solve:)))
2. To b. yz.. On what you will be hung up??????? Has not understood...
3. That Klava and klava. Devchnoki, you two or one? Or skoka?

25.06.2004, 23:02
:))) Has burst out laughing I, has burst out laughing) Only here... N-yes. I have lost gift or for nothing of speech. Now I shall leave a stupor and I shall try to respond!

27.06.2004, 09:55
Yana, I have similar experience, and I understand your status. In the past to year there came the similar American for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Already in the first day I so have got tired from it or him. And all we know how much difficultly dialogue when we deal with nature opposite to us. But I have found a wise way out. Has invited the inexpensive translator. And every day invited the girl who already agrees any. Acquainted them and I departed away!!! In fact there can be a probability, that for what that girls he will seem an ideal with its or his slippery philosophy. You understand. And on the bill of beautiful and young girls which, certainly he represented itself(himself) all road here it was necessary to him to tell or say directly, that they search is younger. Here and all mathematics. But worst of all, that I had to celebrate with it or him Christmas and New year!!! It was the most mean holiday in my life... But he has left happy or enough and has found for it or him suitable pair.
Yana, do not lose consciousness. To that that he will be a gift. Continue to work easy.

28.06.2004, 05:17
2: on A.. _SLX, now in decent circles it so nazyvaetstsa)))

29.06.2004, 06:38
Heh and if to afford prikolnutsja, well though once during lives, especially a case suitable:) Offer him krokodilits what a string and look as at it or him an eye will be there is all kruglee, and still it would be good to represent these "young ladies" 15 years or summer lebyodushkami and all time to extol:)) I Joke certainly but if so has got...:)