Просмотр полной версии : The wife considers or counts, that the husband has started to abuse alcohol. As should behave...

26.06.2004, 10:07
The wife considers or counts, that the husband has started to abuse alcohol. How the wife that there was no problem at the husband with alcohol should behave?

27.06.2004, 22:16
For the beginning to find out the reasons why the husband began to take a great interest or be fond in alcohol....

emetin (I ask to remember)
28.06.2004, 20:10
Treatment of an alcoholism - kind (searched on the Internet, only for you, Masha.)
Means so! Read:

Dmitry KazakovaEsT's collage of illness or disease with which the mankind struggles centuries or blepharons, and cannot win. One of such illnesses - an alcoholism. Doctors and healers offer different agents, but panaceas, apparently, anybody from them has not found. Probably, different people are helped or assisted by different methods of treatment, therefore the more them, the better.

The next attempt to pull out unfortunate from rings green zmija has undertaken the Century of N.Nikolaenko practising in unit of treatment sick alcoholism Sankt-Petersburg nauchno-of the research psychoneurological institute by it or him. Century of M. of Bekhterev. Its or his method is based or founded;established that at topers constantly hyperactivity of one of enzymes - alkogoldegidrogenazy (ADG). Rough activity ADG also causes in the person a pathological inclination to alcohol, but, if to normalize job of enzyme, the inclination vanishes. For a regulation of activity ADG Century N.Nikolaenko used a known medicine emetin and has achieved very good results.

Enzyme ADG at hyperactivity or superactivity will transform ethanol acting in an organism to an acetaldehyde which collects in an organism and turns in morfinopodobnye the bonds causing constant desire to drink. Activity ADG is saved high even through poltora-two years after the person stops to drink; a quantity of alcohol in an organism is always, therefore aldehyde continues to be formed, here and former topers are excruciated.

As have shown researches of Century to N.Nikolaenko, to restore normal activity ADG and by that to stop synthesis morfinopodobnyh bonds in an organism course of treatment emetinom helps or assists. Emetin - very old agent which used for development or manufacture of disgust for alcohol earlier. In a warm hospital situation to the patient did or made an intramuscular nyxis emetina from which it is strong toshnit. But even before occurrence of a nausea cured gave different alcoholic drinks. After numerous repetition of this procedure at the patient developed uslovno-reflex disgust for any binge. A method severe, but rather effective: according to semicentenial prescription, success achieved approximately in half of cases. Modern methods of treatment are more humane: patients appointed or nominated very small doses of a preparation which did not cause or cause unpleasant sensations.

Century N.Nikolaenko has treated 170 men of the different age, suffered with an alcoholism from 2 till 34 years. All of them were patients of unit of treatment sick of an alcoholism. Some of these people have brought in a status of the strongest alcoholic poisoning, the some people did not drink or saw, but felt, that will soon be broken. All patients have passed or have taken place course of treatment emetinom (15 20 day on 2 4 times a day).

emetin (I ask to remember)
29.06.2004, 05:42
Treatment of an alcoholism - kind (searched on the Internet, only for you, Masha.)
Means so! Read:

Dmitry KazakovaEsT's collage of illness or disease with which the mankind struggles centuries or blepharons, and cannot win. One of such illnesses - an alcoholism. Doctors and healers offer different agents, but panaceas, apparently, anybody from them has not found. Probably, different people are helped or assisted by different methods of treatment, therefore the more them, the better.

The next attempt to pull out unfortunate from rings green zmija has undertaken the Century of N.Nikolaenko practising in unit of treatment sick alcoholism Sankt-Petersburg nauchno-of the research psychoneurological institute by it or him. Century of M. of Bekhterev. Its or his method is based or founded;established that at topers constantly hyperactivity of one of enzymes - alkogoldegidrogenazy (ADG). Rough activity ADG also causes in the person a pathological inclination to alcohol, but, if to normalize job of enzyme, the inclination vanishes. For a regulation of activity ADG Century N.Nikolaenko used a known medicine emetin and has achieved very good results.

Enzyme ADG at hyperactivity or superactivity will transform ethanol acting in an organism to an acetaldehyde which collects in an organism and turns in morfinopodobnye the bonds causing constant desire to drink. Activity ADG is saved high even through poltora-two years after the person stops to drink; a quantity of alcohol in an organism is always, therefore aldehyde continues to be formed, here and former topers are excruciated.

As have shown researches of Century to N.Nikolaenko, to restore normal activity ADG and by that to stop synthesis morfinopodobnyh bonds in an organism course of treatment emetinom helps or assists. Emetin - very old agent which used for development or manufacture of disgust for alcohol earlier. In a warm hospital situation to the patient did or made an intramuscular nyxis emetina from which it is strong toshnit. But even before occurrence of a nausea cured gave different alcoholic drinks. After numerous repetition of this procedure at the patient developed uslovno-reflex disgust for any binge. A method severe, but rather effective: according to semicentenial prescription, success achieved approximately in half of cases. Modern methods of treatment are more humane: patients appointed or nominated very small doses of a preparation which did not cause or cause unpleasant sensations.

Century N.Nikolaenko has treated 170 men of the different age, suffered with an alcoholism from 2 till 34 years. All of them were patients of unit of treatment sick of an alcoholism. Some of these people have brought in a status of the strongest alcoholic poisoning, the some people did not drink or saw, but felt, that will soon be broken. All patients have passed or have taken place course of treatment emetinom (15 20 day on 2 4 times a day).