Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Wished to ask your advice or council that it is possible to make? At me in...

02.06.2004, 22:07
Good afternoon!
Wished to ask your advice or council that it is possible to make?
I in family had a following situation. My husband (5 years are married, children are not present) constantly drives me, reads lectures as pervoklassnitse, that what bad, I do or make by nothing on the house, though houses cleanliness. The deep fryer stinks, the cat fades, the dog I do not obey!!! He writes to me am unsteady, visitors strain, lists of affairs for a week, tychit them in target. If I begin that that to speak, he takes offence. Constantly considers or counts, that I am guilty in all. That I in everyday lives try to make business or affairs that in target where be to descend or go on a maximum. And at it or him on mind or wit one business or affairs. My Saturday morning begins with a question that I should make, that to drive on velike in the evening? In the answer I hear only one at us a heap of affairs, and at you on mind or wit only is great and how with these or it;this to live??? Thus we work both on supervising posts posts, he will receive on 20 % more, but thus I cannot buy or purchase to myself even superfluous krasovki, the remarkable family, in opinion of people shouts that one cloths on mind or wit And in the rest we. Voobshchem has got, at me dispatinye parents, I from them was safely winded

05.06.2004, 03:13
" It was safely winded from parents...? " It is safe? It is assured? From one tyrants, to another? Probably it is your cross. But you to yourself frame this cross.

05.06.2004, 22:05
Also what to me to do or make with it or this???

08.06.2004, 18:42
You have attacked the same raker. But Before to give advice or council, it would be desirable to learn or find out: what difference at you in the age of? Who and how raporjazhaetsja money? The matter is that if he is more senior, he can consider or count, that he has the right to learn or teach you (though it and not so). And he helps or assists you? If is not present, it or him energy, yes in the peace purposes. Me the husband, happens, too criticizes, but though helps or assists thus. And more. You under it or him podstraivaettes. Your question of Saturday morning shows, that at you not attitudes or relations adult - the adult, and the adult - the child. You in fact ask sanctions it or him! You do not need to do or make it or this! Simply make, that consider it necessary, and after that go for a drive. Together all it is possible to be in time bolee-less. I mean a life. Well and if he shouts laying on a sofa yield a cloth and explain, that you not the servant and why him to not wash up a deep fryer and to not clean or remove for a cat. Also what means I "do not obey"? You not a daughter to him! And the wife! While you allow to behave with yourselves as with rebenokm, he and conducts. I too tried to explain, as as should be, but I as a whole managed to stop ei attempts. Because I have let know both a word and business, jachto is independent also itself I know when and as well as what to do or make. You too should mature. And any spisokv! At you carried kleroz, really! And about money - divide the budget. Be thrown off on the general or common life (meal + the rent + soap), and he on 20 % is more, receives times more. Agree, how much for rest joint allocate. How much to postpone. And other money spend, as want. And that if children will go, they as authority will not perceive you, I am afraid.

___ for Tusi
09.06.2004, 04:52
Thanks for the answer:)
Difference in the age of at us only 3 years. Money it is put or folded in an envelope, from it or him we pay the rent, we buy havchik for a month (meat... .molochnye products...) we pay credits... All rest should be elicited, you want it is great plan it or him for 2 3 months that has got in the budget though it is possible to buy or purchase and in it or this, but nepolozheno: (((it is a thing not the first necessity.
That kosaetsja the help on the house he does or makes, but after that obvarchitsja everything, and does or makes all after 10 evenings, and I wish to sleep, as I rise in target not as he in 3, and in 9.
That kosaetsja a question " that it is necessary to make " that easier to make and fall down, instead of to sit a floor of night and pidorit. If begins that or to do or make, constantly shouts give those, submit se, have a look... He explains it to what not videt me and wishes to communicate. He has got used to command at job, and still rages that I refuse to work with it or him, we have more than type of money, pereberajsja. While I am was insolent or keep.
Too most with machine or car, has stuck that I should go at the wheel though I do not have any desire, the working day of 10 hours + road 2, and in fuses to stand.... Has then thought, has agreed, so he has got me, sits constantly in an Internet chooses, it is necessary to sit with it or him. Except for that he chooses model, instead of I, conflicts who will repair it or her have already begun... Though probably I shall agree, will get, I shall sit down and stoshku on MKADU and come what may...
Yesterday a floor of night has cried, he has apologized though itself does not understand for as villages kinoshku to look in 3 one o'clock in the morning, a pancake!

P. S. I like it or him therefore I suffer or bear and so...

11.06.2004, 16:27
That is it turns out that money he commands... Here also divide or undresse the budget. And that kazhyj time to elicit zaraobtannye you of money... As to the machine or car, do not want - do not go. Explain, that you will have a nervous stress from a proside and it on itself will be reflected and that you will not have time to do or make house business or affairs. He results or brings interestingly, what arguments, that you for a rudder have sat down or lodge? About job - it is bad arbota in one place! Disagree! Moitvirovat it is possible for that you have got used, collective good, and to new it will be difficult to get used, for you it is stress.. In occasion of that that all does or makes late at night, I can sympathize only. At me the same history. I to sleep I want, and to him a TV set to look or see utensils in 12 nights to wash. An owl he. And if you are got, that by him when does or makes something, demands the help, ichezajte from the house, in shop, for example. Let without you grumbles. And that he you zaterroriziroval.

___ for Tusi
15.06.2004, 12:10
To the separate budget reacts negatively!
That kosaetsja machines or cars at us a foreign car, but very low landing or planting does not allow katats jana a summer residence, here he and wants 2 ju, type for me and for a summer residence. Except for that at all my girlfriends is, here he and has solved as it is necessary to me. Except for that we before 2 times a year went at its or his parents it is 2, 5 tys km. One way, well and to him change is necessary. Delirium! Now I want on the sea, but in any way in a solitude!
That kosaetsja disappearances or eradications from the house it not an output or exit, he then will get, that I ignore it or him.
Here such pies.

18.06.2004, 11:36
The full paragraph: (((

19.06.2004, 20:26
Well also explain to him, that will not drive! There Are people, to it or this unable in general! I for example))). Well also what? You Explain, that on road as the monkey with granatoj, what is it stress and you are simply dangerous, as reaction bad, the machine or car do not feel, to drive are not able. What to him, hunting and the machine or car under drawings to collect you? And what, and planes yet have not invented a train? Where as is easier to parents by train or the plane to reach. And about the separate budget... If it is not consent, then agree to have the sum kazhyj which can be spent for itself as it would be desirable.

___ for Tusi
22.06.2004, 06:24
Yes I not against to drive the machine or car, but this all under its or his supervision: (((a superfluous occasion pognobit.
And so villages also has gone on the left. nnapravo, directly...:)))
Planes are also trains is, but pret it or him from impassability.

25.06.2004, 04:55
Yes it is not necessary to explain anything, enough few times it is unsuccessful" to park, and the husband will not start up you for a rudder:) So let chooses model further:) SHjutka:) Jeanne, at me such sensation, that you allow your husband so yourselves to a message, on myself it I know. It agree that the family budget needs to be planned, but to do or make it it is necessary TOGETHER, and in your family it turns out so, that you as though have no vote. My first husband always carried away all of money from the house, and brought back in the evening, explaining it is that I can spend them for any nonsense, I suffered or bore, while once the child to itself has not dislocated an arm or a hand, a fracture clinic at the end of the world, and at me money a spear: (Has rescueed or saved me telephone knizhka-have no 100 roubles, and have 100 friends. But in the evening I nakonets-that have stated the pretenzii-effect was neozhidannyj-money houses began to lay. So it very harmfully to save in itself of discontent, nenarokom will blow up.

25.06.2004, 16:09
It or Him pret so let he also goes! At what here you? I at all do not understand, really it is so much km on machine or car to go more pleasantly, than on other agents. You really should be released or exempted from this trusteeship. But is better not explaining, that the machine or car will spoil - then he will consider or count especially you on what not capable.. You simply sometimes should show hardness. Not tears is an attribute of delicacy so children react. And simply easy and firmly to tell or say: I shall do or make and so because I consider it necessary. I have telling arguments. Let either will overpersuade, or will allow to act, as it would be desirable. And about money. Simply in following z/p put not all of money. If will ask, why less, tell or say, that wish to buy or purchase to-that. Of what inform it or him.

26.06.2004, 19:29
He, certainly the pedant or simply the bore. Noved you like it or him? Try to approach or suit to its or his boreness a little bit ironically. He to you has put the list, and you - " the week register of boreness " where rich colours describe, that you felt after each it or him dostavanija. Let reads!

29.06.2004, 01:48
Vyshemu the husband should understand, that at job he " the big chief " and its or his everyone obey without prikaslovno, and houses you " the chief of a facilities or an economy ", therefore its or his management or manual is inappropriate, and the nose suvat nothing the man in babskie kitchen business or affairs.
In general the man should bring home money in family and to the wife to give. He at you has relaxed, give him tasks for Sunday and let shuruet.
He probably in soul or douche would like, that you them the house pokomandavali, have paid to it or him thus attention. So predostavte to him this opportunity.
Also ask from it or him very strictly.