Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please I am friends of the girl and all time I am jealous it or her to its or her was or former...

26.06.2004, 03:11
Prompt please
I am friends of the girl and all time I am jealous it or her of its or her former guy. He has thrown it or her. She it is very strong on it or him;them experienced. There was I. I like it or her she speaks, that too, but a problem here in what: she often asks me about it or him time has looked or seen number or room of its or his phone in my note book. I have asked what for she have told or said that swears a life that simply for the sake of interest Speaks that for the sake of interest and she does not like it or him I weigh kipju directly. I simply had an experience I was friends with devchenkoj and she has left then to the former guy. What to do or make as to cope with it or this I constantly obetom I think!!!

26.06.2004, 11:11
Let's tell or say so, uchenye-psychologists have come to conclusion, what the woman as a matter of fact on the is adjusted or set up on change in 3 years, after the beginning of a joint life (therefore the dangerous marriage period?). In this case the girl does not consider how you concern to it or this, can be does not like, and simply plays? If feelings the presents ask it or her to not mention this person in conversation. Let tells to the girlfriends. Certainly, it is impossible to forget about such dangerous phenomenon, as self-deception. I do not speak that it is necessary to arrange for her shadowing, detectives to employ, but it is important to understand on whose party or side she plays. Remember, vetrennyh it is a lot of women.

26.06.2004, 15:38
Dear Kostja, many girls behave the same as yours, and it at all does not mean, that she does not like you and wishes to return to was or former. Really, there is a certain "sports" interest - as there your was or former as live, as as well as t. d. I certainly try to not mention former guys in conversations with present, but it is really interesting to me, that with them, at all I do not know why. Here one of these days in general to itself was surprised - has seen on a TV set of the former guy (he the leader of transfers on one of telechannels) and has noticed at it or him a wedding ring!!! You represent, to me it even has touched!!!! Though I about itself at all do not recollect, let alone any feelings, it is simply ridiculous. VANITY it is touched, direct as the child. Such here we, women. Though the present or true guy simply I adore, anybody except for it or him is not necessary!!! So believe to the girl if she speaks and the more so swears, that likes you. But necessarily tell or say, that about was or former you from it or her did not hear a word, it really very much irritates. I wish you patience, calmness and love.:)))

The anonym
28.06.2004, 08:00
To not pay attention and to live a present life. Oathes any to take it is not necessary, but the girl very much dissembles: - (

28.06.2004, 10:27
Stop kipjut! The Girl - not your property! She
It is free vybyrat to itself the man. And if from you one
Cunningly think - the problem in you can. Can to her
Boringly. And if you conversations reduce all to
To memoirs about its or her or "was or former" and it is constant
Of it or this you think, I can precisely tell or say - melancholy with you
And any girl will leave, if not to "was or former", where
Eyes look. Search for the reason in itself.