Просмотр полной версии : I am jealous mkzha. And we terribly quarrel, was - before break. Are married year. The husband govo...

Oksana from Novosibirsk
25.06.2004, 03:22
I am jealous mkzha. And we terribly quarrel, was - before break. Are married year. The husband speaks, that I do not have on that any bases, and will not be, if I shall not be it or him "dolbat". At me - 2 v/about, at the husband - is not present. Externally I am better than it or him, but earlier he did or made to me remarks of type: paint hair black color, grow fingernails or nails, and I began to think, that is not necessary to him such what is. Now he speaks, that to him all the same, what color at me hair has supposedly reconsidered the attitude or relation to many things.
He has begun a sexual life in 20 years (late for the man), that hesitated of women. But I all the same am jealous it or him of all women, even to those whom he can meet, and can, and was not present. More shortly, I do not have confidence in itself though associates and he speak, that he is a good guy. I am excruciated, it is necessary to him hardly to be late at job, or to leave to friends (and suddenly not to friends?). I need to descend or go to the psychotherapist?

Efremov A.G.
26.06.2004, 11:35
Certainly, it was quite good to come to the psychotherapist. Probably, even it is better to go together with the husband together to solve this problem.

28.06.2004, 00:08
To me such wife!