Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstujte, the doctor! I suffer trevozhno-generalizovannym frustration...

14.06.2004, 04:59
Zdravstujte, the doctor!
I suffer trevozhno-generalizovannym frustration. I am now flied or treated at the psychotherapist, I accept "Zoloft" - 1. In the morning, Sonopaks - polovinka in the afternoon, polovinka in the evening. Often I feel alarm, especially, when it is necessary kuda-to go that. I listen to job of the heart (thus I feel palpitation, faults in job of heart). Advise, how it is possible to get rid of such status more quickly? There Are in such status 2 years... To me of 29 years.

16.06.2004, 17:53
Esteem A.Kurpatova's book as will get rid of alarm. And as the agent from VSD, there is mentioned or touched;affected a subject of a neurosis of Heart.
punk@cityline. ru

19.06.2004, 16:19
For Alains I send the electron address:
ludmila 1975 rambler. ru

Pronin D.A.
20.06.2004, 07:44
Your disease means gradual escalating a dose of an antidepressant that, on visible it has not been made. To wait for effect from reception of one tablet zolofta it is not necessary - unpromising employment or occupation. Most likely, he in general any more does not work, t. To. At absence of titration of a dose and effect there is no also an immunity to a preparation develops. Therefore overdue escalating of a dose becomes useless. Change of an antidepressant and its or his competent purpose or appointment is necessary. Sonapaks (polovinki-chetvertinki) it is absolutely not serious.
Alternatively - find competent vracha-a homeopathist.

The anonym
23.06.2004, 20:29
Michael, you on a course this A.Kurpatova's propagandist and know all... Who it for the expert?

27.06.2004, 14:34
The report for Alains!
Alain, tell, please and me as you have got rid of the given problem. I leave the e-mail: A. Tchikalova@Inna. ru
In advance thanks