Просмотр полной версии : Has lived with the man almost 1, 5 years. All this time did or made for it or him there vsjaki...

14.06.2004, 11:45
Has lived with the man almost 1, 5 years. By all this time did or made for it or him there everyones sjuprizy, not speaking about " female duties ", only that he malenko has shown to me tendernesses... In general has grown fond. And he spat on me from high mountain, money not all brought, deceived, concerned as to the servant. And veins that with me as it was found out, just not where was to live.
4 months ago it was found out that he was ill, it was necessary to give up job... And though we also were on the verge of divorce with it or him, I have not expelled it or him and began to nurse or pace. Now he has suddenly seen in me native soul. He knows, that I very much the gentle person, tries to move to pity me that I again have grown fond of it or him. How much words he has told, how much caress has shown, only that we not rasstavali... And I cannot, as I shall recollect all that horror which was... And during too time he now has strongly changed under the attitude or relation to me. Can you prompt, to us of 22 and 26 years, basically still young. I simply am afraid to be mistaken!

15.06.2004, 15:41
You have achieved, that wanted. Why such grief?

17.06.2004, 00:17
Give him one more chance. You have started to live with it or him seeing that he does not like you, so now with it or him to be angry? He with you was fair.
Are mistaken all.

18.06.2004, 04:04
One more durishcha... As soon as to him it becomes better also its or his life will enter into a former bed or channel, he again will start to address with you as earlier. If the person permits on itself to spit, and it would be desirable to use such person and then to kick it or him at an opportunity... Leave it or him now, it is for the present young, if you do not wish to become in the future the constant visitor of this konfy with "cries from the heart" in occasion of the ruined life.

18.06.2004, 13:18
JUl, at me almost too most occurs or happens in a life... To me too 22, to him 26 (consider or count it sovpadenim), at us also the child grows, two and a half to a daughter... I adored it or him before wedding... We 1, 5 years met... And almost four we live together... I as the wife super, without exaggeration... To him it is bad - I series, he is ill or sick - I fly or treat... And when we with the child together slegli... On us have spat. .i it only one example. .a all their one hundred, probably... And too I can not live in this nightmare. I have understood, that I do not like it or him approximately one year ago... It began to reach it or him just now. .ja at the crossroads... Give together dymat, and?

18.06.2004, 20:26
Why in Russia aunts such silly women?.. Absolutely there is no self-esteem and love to... Or so here bring up... And then they the education doom already the daughters to the same sad life...

18.06.2004, 23:56
lesja, he simply egoist. Probably, in it or this there is a share of your fault. Though practice shows, that egoists become very much early and it is incurable, unfortunately: (((

] or atjushka
19.06.2004, 18:00
Know, here there is such phrase in a life " Concern to people how you want that they onosilis to you "... And so I want this phrase skaza more pravino, in my opinion " Concern To MYSELF how you want, that the others concerned to you all "

21.06.2004, 09:36
And it is a pity to me when early in marriage leave also children give birth or travail years in 20.
The best years of a life to spend for diapers, etc. Me parents till 18 years precisely preserved disassemblies, well there was a first love in 18 years then also virginity has lost, however till 22 years all the same about a marriage did not think, institute finished, now getting divorced I understand, as in 25 years is not absolutely ready to be married.

Leka - Ninel
21.06.2004, 19:09
It is not necessary to regret anybody, to everyone the . Kto-someone in 20 gives birth or travails and by 40 years children grow and become independent, and someone to 35 "ripens" and up to pension brings up children. And someone "ripens" to 45 when already late, and kicks that have not given birth in 20.. To That that is pleasant.

Ninel for Leki
22.06.2004, 22:45
Leka! I very much respect with your opinion, but it seems to me, that something lose. And? Or how you think? In fact it would be desirable to run about, pobrygat, the world to see, communicate to different men. Eh! Where mine 20 "!

23.06.2004, 19:14
At good support and active strong character the child and in 20 years not a handicap to study, career and all other. It becomes simple a life qualitatively on a step above.

25.06.2004, 07:05
And of that, actually, to be afraid. To you not hundred years. Well, give him one more last chance (if so it it would be desirable) to not be excruciated by doubts. If he has changed only in words instantly itself will show... Then will finish.

26.06.2004, 12:48
Thanks you big, that have responded to my call for help! I have solved, that I rasstanus with it or him, I do not see a way of its or his recovery from its or his egoism. Leka the rights, he has remained such what he and is. He now uses me as a ladder, and then will throw, when will rise on legs or foots!!! All thanks, girls, once again!

Leka - JUle
27.06.2004, 05:33
JUlka, you the good fellow, could make a decision. The main thing now to be consecutive and to do or make as has solved. Do not go on any concessions and do not believe any promises " that all will be good ", differently never of this bog will get out. Happiness to you, the darling, and love.