Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, - to mine at me not that's all right with mentality. I constantly experience...

23.06.2004, 08:42
The doctor, - to mine at me not that's all right with mentality. I constantly experience for native. It is necessary to somebody to leave them on job or still kuda-that, I start to worry strongly: and suddenly with them something happens. Well, it is direct places to itself I do not find. And when I represent, that there will be something awful, start to consider easy (!), that I should make and as I shall live further. I do not understand myself.

24.06.2004, 19:30
At you egoism (in this case feeling sobstvennichestva) is too developed. Think properly: you, in fact experience first of all are afraid to lose the native person?

Bobrov A.E.
24.06.2004, 23:35
Most likely at you any disturbing or alarming status. Sometimes so phobias, sometimes a dysthymia proceed. Probably, that you on the character require support and a leg. If the status to you strongly stirs or prevents, internal consultation of the expert is desirable.

Cousines O.M., the psychotherapist, Ekaterinburg,
25.06.2004, 17:15
Dear AllA! Possibly, what is it the status is caused or called by the latent conflict in mutual relations between you both your native and suppressed aggression! Address for internal consultation to the psychotherapist. As a rule, deducing or removing of this conflict on a level of comprehension already removes or takes out an acuteness of a status!
P. S. Many people suffer from the given status but who has told or said, what is it correctly?!

26.06.2004, 17:02
No, Lu. I am afraid for the native person, for it or him, instead of for myself. You so are unfair!