Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Tell or Say please, as it is possible (if it is possible) to distinguish...

24.06.2004, 13:51
Hello, the doctor!
Tell or Say please, how it is possible (if it is possible) to distinguish simple excessive shyness and agarofobiju? As I understand, the last shows something from area of mental diseases, that in itself is sad...
Whether are characteristic for agarofobii any physiological displays (an acceleration of pulse, etc.)? And what variants of overcoming of it or this are?
In advance thanks.

Tolokonin A.O.
24.06.2004, 15:58
Agorafobija-pavor of the open spaces (streets, the areas, etc.) Will agree, what is it a status otlichimo otzastenchivosti. For the person with an agoraphobia the avoiding behaviour of a subject of the pavor (the open spaces) is characteristic first of all. At occurrence of an agoraphobia, certainly, is physiological changes about which you upamjanuli (an acceleration of pulse, respiration, etc.), but the most important, agorafobija-is obsessional pavor.
Variants of an output or exit in each case are solved individually in view of an accompanying clinical picture.

26.06.2004, 01:45
By the way, agorafobija-not mental disease, she happens at normal, and often, even talented, creative, with intelligence and imagination above an average, people so be not afraid:-)). Freud itself admitted such neurosis.