Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Recently I notice, that began a thicket to become hysterical. I also wound...

24.06.2004, 07:13
Hello! Recently I notice, that began a thicket to become hysterical. I and earlier was very sensitive to everything, but it was expressed basically in tears and " silent experiences ". And now became much louder: I raise or increase a voice, the tendency to knock a fist on a table, in hearts to seize any subject and kuda-nibud it or him to throw (not in the person - simply in space)... Kak-that to me is already terrible: dalshe-that that will be. Dock, what your opinion?

Buharov J.M.
25.06.2004, 14:59
Hello, JUlja! Know, most of all it is similar to an accentuation of characteristic "sensitivity" for you on a background of chronic overwork. Have properly a rest, replace a situation, sleep some days successively - and, I think, will return to usual for you to a level of "sensitivity".